1. International

1.  YCR Wong, “Male Income Distribution in Hong Kong”, Workshop in Applications of Economics, University of Chicago, 3 March 1980, Chicago.
2. YCR Wong, “Married Female Earnings in Hong Kong”, Workshop in Applications of Economics, University of Chicago, 31 March 1980, Chicago.
3. YCR Wong, “Educational Screening by Certificates: An Empirical Test”, Workshop in Applications of Economics, University of Chicago, 17 April 1980, Chicago.
4.  YCR Wong, “Women’s Work and the Demand for Children in Hong Kong”, Conference of Women in the Urban and Industrial Workforce: Southeast and East Asia, 15-19 November 1982 in Manila, Philippines.  Sponsored by the Development Studies Centre, Australian National University and the Population Institute, University of the Philippines.
5.  YCR Wong, “Husband’s and Wife’s Economic Activity Status and the Demand for the Quantity and Quality of Children”, Workshop in Applications of Economics, University of Chicago, 8 April 1985, Chicago.
6. YCR Wong, “The Role of Husband’s and Wife’s Economic Activity Status in the Demand for Children”, Australasian Meeting of the Econometric Society, 28-30 August 1986, University of Melbourne, Australia.
7.  YCR Wong, “The Nature of Economic Competition”, Beijing Institute of Information and Control, 22 December 1986, Beijing, China
8. YCR Wong, “Independent Institutes and Their Consequences”, Fifth International Workshop of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, 5-6 September 1987, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
9. YCR Wong, “Constitutionalism, Liberty, and Prosperity”, Mont Pelerin Society, Regional Meeting, 6-10 September 1987, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
10. YCR Wong, “The Economic Modernization of Hong Kong: Experience and Implications”, International Conference on Political and Economic Modernization in Chinese Societies, 2-4 June 1988, Hong Kong.   Sponsored by the Research Society of Oriental Humanities.
11.  YCR Wong, “An Open World Order”, Mont Pelerin Society, General Meeting, 4-6 September 1988, Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan.
12. YCR Wong, “Freedom and Reform in Asian-Pacific Economies”, Conference on Chinese Economic Reforms, 8-10 September 1988, Shanghai, China.  Co-organized by the Cato Institute and Fudan University.
13. YCR Wong, “Public Housing Reform”, Economics Department, Fudan University, 11 September 1988, Shanghai, China
14. YCR Wong, “Public Policy Research Agenda for Hong Kong”, Sixth International Workshop of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, 10-11 October 1988, Washington, DC, USA
15. YCR Wong, Discussant for “Public Policy Studies” Session, First Conference of Regional Correspondent Institutes of the International Center for Economic Growth, 3-4 May 1989, Bangkok, Thailand.
16. YCR Wong, “The Research Agenda”, Workshop on Private Sector Initiatives in Development, World Bank, 27-28 June 1989, Washington, DC, USA
17.  YCR Wong, “The China-Hong Kong Nexus”, Economics Department, California State University at Hayward, 25 October 1989, USA
18.   YCR Wong, “Opportunities in the Asia-Pacific Region”, Foro Internacional, Estrategia Empresarial del Peru en la Cuenca del Pacificao: Oportunidades y Riesgos, 14-17 May 1990, Lima, Peru, 31 pages.  Organized by the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores of Peru and Escuela de Administracion de Negocios para Graduados (ESAN).
19. YCR Wong, “Public Policy Research and 1997 in Hong Kong”, Thirteenth International Workshop of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, 2 September 1990, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany.
20. YCR Wong, “Europe in an Open World Order”, Mont Pelerin Society, General Meeting, 3-8 September 1990, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany.
21. YCR Wong, “The Role of Research Institutes in the Process of Economic Reform”, Fourteenth International Workshop of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, 10 September 1990, Moscow, USSR
22. YCR Wong, “Transition to Freedom: the New Soviet Challenge”, Conference on Soviet Economic and Political Reforms, 11-14 September 1990, Moscow, USSR  Co-Organized by the Cato Institute, Moscow University, and the USSR Academy of Sciences.
23. YCR Wong, Discussant for “Public Policy Studies” Session, Second Conference of Regional Correspondent Institutes of the International Center for Economic Growth, 14-16 November 1990, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
24. YCR Wong, “Regulations, Markets and Corruption”, Instituto Libertad y Democracia, 26-30 November 1990, Lima, Peru.
25. YCR Wong, “The Political Economy of Reform in China”, Conference on The Shape of a Democratic China, 1-2 May 1991, American Enterprise Institute of Public Policy Research, Washington, DC, 31 pages.
26.  YCR Wong, “Pacific Response to Global Challenge”, Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference, 8th General Meeting, 20-22 May 1991, Singapore.
27.  YCR Wong, “Economic Reform, Income Growth and Fertility Effects”, Conference of Population and Economic Development in China, 6-8 May 1991, Beijing, China, 24 pages.  Co-Organized by the Beijing Institute of Information and Control and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
28. YCR Wong, Discussant for Hiromi Mori “Structural Change in Contemporary Japanese Labor Market and Immigrant Workers”, Second Japan-ASEAN Forum on International Labor Migration in East Asia, United Nations University, 26-27 September 1991, Tokyo, Japan.
29.  YCR Wong, “Hong Kong in Transition: Economic Transformation in the Eighties”, Conference on the Changing World Community: Development Consequences and Adjustments in Asia and the Pacific, Ninth General Meeting, Association of Development Research and Training Institutes of Asia and the Pacific, 8-11 October 1991, Macau, 29 pages.
30. YCR Wong, “The Political Economy of Environmental Policy in Hong Kong”, Workshop on Sustainable Development: Implications for Governance in the Asia-Pacific Region on 10-12 December 1991, Canberra, Australia, 20 pages.  Co-Organized by the Institute for Research on Public Policy and the Royal Australian Institute for Public Administration.
31.  YCR Wong, “Intellectuals, Authority and the Market in Asia”, Second Conference of the Asian Cultural Forum on 13-16 March 1992, Tokyo, Japan, 10 pages.  Co-Organized by the International House of Japan and the Ishikawa Foundation.
32.  YCR Wong, Discussant for “Reform and Productivity” Session, Conference on Productivity, Efficiency and Reform in China’s Economy, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 3-6 August 1992, Hong Kong.
33. YCR Wong, Discussant for Gregory Chow “The Integration of China and Other Asian Countries in the World Economy”, Mont Pelerin Society, General Meeting, 30 August – 4 September, 1992, Vancouver, Canada.
34. YCR Wong, “Will Hong Kong Stay Capitalist?”, 21 April 1993, Institute of Economic Affairs, London.
35. YCR Wong, “Family Business and the Quantity and Quality of Children”, Far Eastern Econometric Society Meeting, 25-27 June 1993, Taipei, Taiwan.
36.  YCR Wong, “Hong Kong: The Regional Trading Centre”, Hong Kong Works Conference, 10 November 1993 in London.  Co-Organized by the Hong Kong Government and the Institute of Directors, UK
37. YCR Wong, “Non-Monetary Economic Adjustments Under the Linked Exchange Rate System”, Seminar on Monetary Management, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, 18-19 November 1993, Hong Kong.
38. YCR Wong, “Reform and the Underground Economy in China”, Conference on the Impact of the Underground Economy, Fraser Institute, 21-22 April 1994, Vancouver, Canada.
39. YCR Wong, “The Changing Hong Kong Economy”, Conference on Change in the Chinese Economic Area and Its Implications, 2-4 May 1994, Honolulu, Hawaii, 10 pages.  Co-sponsored by the East-West Center and National Committee on United States-China Relations.
40.  YCR Wong, “Poverty, Unemployment and Development: The Experience of East Asian Economies”, United Nations Development Program Stockholm Roundtable on Change: Social Conflict or Harmony, 22-24 July 1994, Stockholm, Sweden, 15 pages.
41. YCR Wong, “The Future of Shanghai as an International Financial Centre”, Shanghai Towards the 21st Century, Symposium on Economic and Social Development Strategy, 10-12 November 1994, Shanghai, China.  Sponsored by the People’s Government of the Shanghai Municipality.
42. YCR Wong, Discussant for “Economics: Sectoral View Session”, Conference on Regional Consequences of Evolving Relations among the PRC, Taiwan, and Hong Kong-Macao, 8-10 December 1994, Hong Kong.  Co-sponsored by the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, University of California, San Diego and the Centre for Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong.
43. KL Shea and YCR Wong, “The Economic Consequences of Abundant Foreign Labour Supply”, American Economic Association Meetings, 6-8 January 1995, Washington, DC, USA, 29 pages.
44. YCR Wong, “Economic Integration of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta”, Kansai Economic Research Centre, 17 February 1995, Osaka, Japan.
45. YCR Wong,  “Economic Growth in the Asia-Pacific Region”, Fundacion y Libertad, 25-28 April, 1995, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
46. YCR Wong, “The New Pacific Community”, The Fifth Asian and Pacific University Presidents’ Conference, 30 April-3 May 1995, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
47. YCR Wong, “Realizing the New Pacific Community”, The Fifth Asian Pacific University Presidents’ Conference, 30 April-3 May, 1995, Tokai University and the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
48. YCR Wong, Symposium on the Economic Analysis of Social Behavior, Fraser Institute, 1-2 December, 1996, Chicago, U.S.A.
49. YCR Wong, “China in the 21st Century: Long Term Global Implications”, OECD Forum for the Future, 8-9 January, 1996, Paris, France.
50. YCR Wong, World Trade Congress, 24-25 April 1996, Singapore Trade Development Board and International Herald Tribune, Singapore.
51. YCR Wong, “Economic Policy for Hong Kong: Beyond the Transition”, 8 May 1996, Institute of Economic Affairs, London.
52. YCR Wong, “Political and Economic Transition of Hong Kong”, 27th Annual Workshop of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, 9-11 May 1996, East Sussex, United Kingdom.
53. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong’s Unique Service Economy”, Hong Kong Trade Development Council Seminar on Building Strategic Partnerships for the Future, 15 May 1996, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
54. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong’s Unique Service Economy”, Hong Kong Trade Development Council Seminar on Building Strategic Partnerships for the Future, 17 May 1996, Singapore.
55. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong’s Unique Service Economy”, Hong Kong Trade Development Council Seminar on Building Strategic Partnerships for the Future, 21 May 1996, Bangkok, Thailand.
56. YCR Wong, “The Development of Financial Services in Hong Kong and Shanghai”, Conference on Reform and Economic Development of the Yangtze and Pearl River Delta, Fudan University, 4-5 June, 1996, Shanghai, China.
57. YCR Wong, “Cross Border Crime”, Conference on Ideas and Change in the Modern World, Mont Pelerin Society, General Meeting, 8-13 September 1996, Vienna, Austria, 39 pages.
58. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong’s Economic and Financial Future”, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 26 September, 1996, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
59. YCR Wong, Chaired session on “Human Resources and Migration”, Convention on Financial Interdependence of East Asian Economies, East Asian Economic Association, 25-26 October, 1996, Bangkok, Thailand.
60. YCR Wong, “APEC and WTO Milestones and Challenges Ahead”, Roundtable organized by PECC Trade Policy Forum and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 13-14 December 1996, Singapore.
61. YCR Wong and ML Sonia Wong, “Liberalizing China’s Foreign Exchange Regime”, English and Chinese, Conference on China as a Global Economic Power: Market Reforms in the New Millennium, Cato Institute and Fudan University, 15-18 June 1997, Shanghai, PRC.
62. YCR Wong, “Features of the Changing Service Economy”, 12th General Meeting of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council on Trans-Pacific Partnership: Implementing Trade and Investment Opportunities, Panel on “Comparing Asia Pacific and the Western Hemisphere: Services”, September 30-Oct. 2, 1997, Santiago, Chile, 8 pages.
63. YCR Wong, Panelist of session “Hong Kong’s Economic Challenges – Home and Abroad”, in “One Country, Two Systems: The Hong Kong Conference at the Yale University”, 7-8  November 1997, New Haven, U.S.A.
64. YCR Wong, “Public Policies in the Hong Kong Economy with Emphasis on Manufacturing”, Workshop on Public Policies in East Asian Economies, The International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development, November 19-21, 1997, Kitakyushu, Japan.
65. YCR Wong, Discussant for Masaru Yoshitomi, “The Role of the State in Industry Development in Japan: Fundamental Driving Forces for Economic Development”, Workshop on Public Policies in East Asian Economies, The International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development, November 19-21, 1997, Kitakyushu, Japan.
66. YCR Wong,  Annual Meetings of the International Association for Management Education (AACSB) and the Association of Deans of South-East Asian Graduate Schools of Management (ADSGM), 14 June 1998, Chicago,  U.S.A.
67. YCR Wong, Panelist of session “The Hong Kong/China Economy: Meeting Tomorrow’s Challenges” in the Asia Society Conference “Hong Kong One Year After Transition: Business Opportunities and Policy Challenges”, 15-16 June 1998, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
68. YCR Wong, Discussion  Leader and member of Program Committee, “Free Markets and Free People – The Barriers Remaining”, Mont Pelerin Society 1998 Golden Anniversary Meeting,  August 30-September 4, 1998, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
69. YCR Wong, “Lessons from the Asian Financial Crisis”, Cato Institute 16th Annual Monetary Conference, “Money in the New Millennium: The Global Financial Architecture”, 22 October 1998, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
70. YCR Wong, “Economic Relations Between Hong Kong and Guangdong”, Economic Cooperation Forum, Henry Y.T. Fok Trust, 27 November 1998, Nansa, PRC. (in Chinese)
71. YCR Wong, “Alliances – Strategic and Operational Issues”, Universitas 21 Meeting of Deans, 1-2 February 1999, Sydney, Australia.
72. YCR Wong, “Macro Economic Development: China & HK”, YPO Hong Kong University, 22 March 1999, Hong Kong.
73. YCR Wong, “Family Networks, Corporate Governance and Economic Performance in East Asia”, Reflecting on Corporate Governance in East Asia”, Conference on “Asia in Economy Recovery : Policy Options for Growth and Stability”, The Institute of Policy Studies, 21-22 June 1999, Singapore,
7 pages.
74. YCR Wong, Discussant for Mario Antonio G. Lopez, “Corporate Governance: Bridging Gaps Between Pronouncement and Practice, Evolving a Better Definition for Asia”, Conference on “Asia in Economy Recovery: Policy Options for Growth and Stability”, The Institute of Policy Studies, 21-22 June 1999, Singapore.
75.  YCR Wong, “Family Networks, Corporate Governance and Economic Performance in East Asia”, Reforming Corporate Governance in East Asia”, Mont Pelerin Society Special Meeting, 8-11 July 1999, Bali, Indonesia, 7 pages.
76. YCR Wong, Chairman and Discussion Leader for the session “The Exchange Rate Regime and International Government – The Pros and Cons of the International Monetary Fund”, The Mont Pelerin Society Regional Meeting, Aug 29 – Sept 1, 1999, Vancouver, Canada.
77. YCR Wong, “Tang Tsou Memorial Service”, 13 November 1999, Chicago
78. YCR Wong and S. Wong, “Competition in China’s Domestic Banking Industry”, “Globalization, the WTO, and Capital Flows: Hong Kong’s Legacy, China’s Future”, 4 September 2000, Conference cosponsored by the Cato Institute and the Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research, Hong Kong
79. YCR Wong, “Cyberport and IT Financing”, Hong Kong Singapore Business Association lunch, 12 October 2000, Singapore
80. YCR Wong, “IT in Hong Kong: Cyberport”, ASEAN Roundtable 2000: New Development Paradigms in Southeast Asia:  The Challenges of Information Technology, 12-13 October 2000, Singapore
81. YCR Wong, Chairman for the session “Boundaries and Regulations”, The Mont Pelerin Society General Meeting, “A New Century: Challenges for an Open Society”, 12-17 November 2000, Chile
82. YCR Wong, Discussant for Masatsugu Tsuji, “A Comparative Analysis of the Growth Process and Innovation in East Asian Machine Tool Industries”, The Seventh International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association, 17-18 November 2000, Singapore
83. YCR Wong, Discussant for Sylvie Demurger, et al, “Economic Geography and Regional Growth in China”, the Asian Economic Panel Meeting, 26-27 April 2001, Massachusetts, USA
84. Z Tao and YCR Wong, “An Economic Study of Hong Kong’s Manufacturing-Related Producer Services Industry”, 76th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International, 4-8 July 2001, 29 pages, San Francisco, USA
85. YCR Wong, Discussant for Inkyo Cheong, “Regionalism and FTAs in East Asia”, Asian Economic Panel Meeting, 13-15 May 2002, Tokyo
86. YCR Wong, Opening Address and Moderator, “Hong Kong-Shanghai Forum — The New Tale of Two Cities (Part II)”, organized by The University of Hong Kong, 12 October 2002, Shanghai
87. YCR Wong, “The Role of Hong Kong in China’s Economic Development”, ICSEAD Lecture, 12 November 2002, Fukuoka, Japan
88. YCR Wong, “Shanghai: Another Hong Kong?”, conference organized by the Royal Institute of International Affairs on “Market Reforms in China, Hong Kong and other Catalysts for Change”, 26 November 2002, London
89. YCR Wong, Panelist, “Revaged by SARS: The Case of Hong Kong“, Panel on Economics and Trade, Workshop on “SARS: Globalization’s Newest Challenge”, Yale University, 19-21 September 2003, New Haven, U.S.A.
90. YCR Wong and A Siu, “Reviving Hong Kong’s Competitiveness”, Asian Economic Panel Meeting, 12-13 April 2004, Hong Kong
91. YCR Wong, Discussant for J Teranishi, “Investor right in Historical Perspective: Globalization and the Future of Japanese Firm and Financial System”, Asian Economic Panel, Keio University, Japan, 6-7 March 2005.
92. YCR Wong, keynote speaker, “Overview of Global Entrepreneurship between Asia and the U.S.”, in Asian American/Asian Research Institute, The City University of New York 2005 Conference “Global Entrepreneurship: Economic Development for Asia and the U.S.”, 6 May 2005, New York, U.S.A.
93. YCR Wong, “The Role of Hong Kong in China’s transformation”, “2008 Chicago Conference on China’s Economic Transformation, Chicago, 14-18 July 2008.
94. YCR Wong, Session Chair, “Panel of Chinese Entrepreneurs: Experience in China’s Economic Transformation”, “2008 Chicago Conference on China’s Economic Transformation”, Chicago, 14-18 July 2008.
95. YCR Wong, “Free Markets in China’s Economic Growth – Hong Kong’s Role”, The Mont Pelerin Society 2008 Tokyo, 60th Anniversary Meeting, “Technology and Freedom, Asian Economic Growth: How Important Were Free Markets”, Tokyo, Japan, 7-12 September 2008, 30 pages.
96. YCR Wong, “Economic Freedom and China’s Future”, Economic Freedom Symposium, Fraser Institute, held in Hong Kong, 16 September 2008
97. YCR Wong, “Asia-Pacific Perspectives on the Global Economy: Challenges and Opportunities”, Discussant at Regional CEO Forum of the International Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong. 21 November 2008
98. YCR Wong, Moderator, “China: Economic Development and the Rule of Law”, Presidential Forum, University of ChicagoCenter in Beijing, Beijing, 15 September 2010
99. YCR Wong, “World Economic Growth and the Role of Asia”, 2010 Hitotsubashi – Renmin University Joint Symposium, Shenzhen, 19 September 2010
100. YCR Wong, Moderator, “Chicago-Renmin Symposium on Family and Labor Economics”, The Milton Friedman Institute for Research in Economics, University of Chicago in Hyde Park, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 24-25 June 2011
101. YCR Wong, “Another Look at China’s Twelfth Five-Year Plan: China-Hong Kong Nexus Again”, lecture conducted at various universities: MIT, Yale, Chicago, UC Berkeley, San Francisco, Columbia, during a lecture tour to the US as 2011 Hong Kong Distinguished Fulbright Scholar, 15-28 October 2011
102. YCR Wong, “Chicago Booth Business Forecast and Economic Outlook 2012”, Chicago Booth Business School Asia Centre, Singapore, 15 December 2011
103. YCR Wong, “Another Look at China’s 12th 5-Year Plan”, “HKU on China-World” Symposia, The University of Hong Kong Centenary Celebrations in the UK, The Drapers’ Hall, London, 15 May 2012
104. YCR Wong (presented by W Chan), “The Impact of Housing Status on Labour Market Performance”, The Inaugural of the European Conference on Politics, Economics and Law, Brighton, United Kingdom, 3-6 July 2014
105. YCR Wong, “Causes and Consequences of Rising Divorce and Cross Border Remarriages in Hong Kong 1976 – 2011”, “Asian Family in Transition”, The University of Chicago Hong Kong Centre, Hong Kong, 26 March 2015
106. YCR Wong (presented by W Chan), “The effect of Housing Status on Labor Market Outcomes”, The 4th European Business Research Conference, Imperial College, London, UK., 9-10 April 2015
107. YCR Wong, “Economic Outlook Hong Kong 2015”, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Asia Society, Hong Kong, 28 April 2015
108. YCR Wong, “Land Administration and Practice in the New Territories of Hong Kong”, International Symposium on “Land and Development”, University of Chicago Center in Beijing, 19 June 2015
109. YCR Wong, “中港婚姻與香港家庭”, Friends of Beida, Beijing, 16 April 2016.
110. YCR Wong (presented by W Chan), “Do public housing tenants fare worse in the Labor Market?”, The 4th International Conference on Business and Social Sciences (ICBASS 2016), Kyoto, Japan, 29-31 March 2016.
111. YCR Wong, “深港合作:願景與策略”, 深港合作圓桌會議, Shenzhen, 13 May 2016.
112. YCR Wong, “Currency War”, World Knowledge Forum, Seoul, 11-13 October 2016.
113. YCR Wong, “香港經濟發展和實施戰略”, “紀念香港回歸祖國二十周年研討會”, Beijing, 22 April 2017.
114. YCR Wong, Discussant for “Free Market Capitalism and Welfare”, Discussant for “Jacob A. Frenkel: Remarks on Central Banking in Times of Change”, The Mont Pelerin Society Regional Meeting “Economic Freedom: Road to Prosperity”, Seoul 7-10 May 2017
115. YCR Wong, “一帶一路之創新與創業:港澳青年與一帶一路”,“CBE Forum : Twin-City Supports the Belt & Road Initiative”  , Shanghai, 10 June 2017
116. YCR Wong,《香港經濟發展與政策的互動》,全國人大常委會香港基本法委員會,Beijing, 6 November 2017.
117. YCR Wong,  “Theory of share Tenancy After 50 Years” (“《佃農理論》五十年”研討會), Shenzhen, 24-26 November 2017.
118. YCR Wong, “The Pacific Trade and Development (PAFTAD) 39: Growth, globalization and intergenerational issues in the Asia Pacific”,The Japan Center for Economic Research, Tokyo, 31 January 2018.


 2. Local

1.  YCR Wong, “The Problem of Truant Students: An Economic Perspective”, 27 November 1982, Young Women’s Christian Association and Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union.
2. YCR Wong, “Education and Society”, 15 February 1983, Hong Kong Lutheran Church.
3. YCR Wong, “Modern Economic Ideas”, 11 June 1984, Chinese General Chamber of Commerce.
4.  YCR Wong, “Sixth Form Education: Changing Needs and Possibilities”, 9 November 1985, Hong Kong Council of Social Service.
5.  YCR Wong, “From Training to Employment”, 16 November 1985, Hong Kong Educational Research Association.
6. YCR Wong, “Theories of Inflation”, 23 November 1985, Education Department, Hong Kong Government.
7.  YCR Wong, “On a New Admissions Policy for Universities”, 18 January 1986, Hong Kong Teachers’ Association.
8. YCR Wong, “Pros and Cons of a Central Provident Fund”, 17 August 1986, Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions.
9. YCR Wong, “Wage Payment Systems and Collective Bargaining”, 11-22 May 1987, Department of Applied Social Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic.
10. YCR Wong, “The Economics of Tertiary Education”, 4 August 1987, Rotary Club of Shatin District.
11. YCR Wong, “Economic Policies in the Transitional Period”, 19 April 1988, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lingnam College.
12. YCR Wong, “Airport Privatization and Bilateral Open Sky Agreements”, 2 November 1988, Rotary Club of Central and Western District.
13. YCR Wong, “On a New Curriculum Structure for Sixth Form Education”, 26 November 1988, Hong Kong Educational Research Association.
14. YCR Wong, “Economic Costs of Mental Health Diseases”, 3 December 1988, Hong Kong Mental Health Association.
15. YCR Wong, “The Economics of Garment Quotas”, 6 April 1989, Hong Kong Institute of Economic Science.
16. YCR Wong, “Public Forum of Constitutional Economics”, 15 April 1989, Basic Law Consultative Committee, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People’s Republic of China in Hong Kong.
17. YCR Wong, “Privatization and the Civil Service”, 4 August 1990, Association for a Better Hong Kong.
18. YCR Wong, “Public Forum on Development of the New Airport and Infrastructure in the 1990s”, 18 September 1990, Hong Kong Economic Association.
19. YCR Wong and KF Wong, “Expansion of Schooling Opportunities, Cohort Effects and Earnings in Hong Kong”, Conference on the State, Education and Development in the New Industrializing Countries: Social and Economic Consequences, 20-22 September 1990, Hong Kong, 21 pages.  Co-sponsored by the University of California Pacific Rim Committee and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
20. YCR Wong, “The Market Mechanism and Public Welfare”, Conference on State Intervention, 3 November 1990, Hong Kong Social Science Research Association.
21. YCR Wong, “Issues in Secondary Education Policy with Special Emphasis on Curriculum Development”, 18 January 1991, Hong Kong Subsidized School Council.
22. YCR Wong, “The 1990 Budget”, 11 March 1991, Hong Kong Foundation.
23. YCR Wong, “The 1990 Budget”, 14 March 1991, Hong Kong Institute of Economic Science.
24. YCR Wong, “Improving Health Services through Pricing”, 14 April 1991, Hong Kong Medical Association and Hong Kong Society of Medical Executives.
25.  YCR Wong, “Civil Aviation and Airport Policy in the 1990s”, 19 April 1991, Business Administration Society, Wah Yan College,
26. YCR Wong, “Protectionism and Hong Kong as Free Port” 25 June 1991, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
27.  YCR Wong, “Competition or Regulation and the Transition to a Service Economy”, 3 July 1991, Asia Business Economists Club.
28. YCR Wong, “Inflation in Hong Kong”, 5 July 1991, Chinese General Chamber of Commerce.
29.  YCR Wong, “Inflation in Hong Kong”, 22 October 1991, Government Secretariat, Hong Kong Government.
30. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong in Transition”, 30 October 1991, Chinese General Chamber of Commerce.
31. YCR Wong, “Inflation in Hong Kong”, 27 November 1991, Association for a Better Hong Kong.
32. YCR Wong, “Speculation in Housing Markets”, 28 November 1991, Rotary Club of Kwun Tong.
33. YCR Wong, “Economic Change and the Challenge of Liberalization”, 5-6 March 1992, Financial Executives Institute Regional Conference on Business Opportunities in a Fast Changing Asia.
34. YCR Wong, “The 1992-93 Budget”, 7 March 1992, United Democrats of Hong Kong.
35. YCR Wong, “The Changing Economy of Hong Kong and Its Implications”, 29 April 1992, Zonta Club.
36. YCR Wong, “Economic Transformation in Hong Kong: Challenge and Opportunity”, 12 May 1992, Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ and Exporters’ Association.
37. YCR Wong, “Funding and Pricing of Welfare Services”, 8 October 1992, Committee on Civic Education, The University of Hong Kong.
38. YCR Wong, “Importation of Labor and the Changing Demographic Structure in Hong Kong”, Forum on Hong Kong’s Demography and Its Social, Economic, and Spatial Implications, 13 October 1992.  Co-Organized by the Central Policy Unit, Hong Kong Government and the Centre of Asian Studies, The University of Hong Kong
39.  YCR Wong, “The Governor’s LegCo Address”, 28 October 1992, Financial Executives Institute of Hong Kong.
40. YCR Wong, “Privatize Public Housing”, 13 November 1992, Rotary Club of Admiralty.
41. YCR Wong, “Effects of Structural Change of the Economy on the Hong Kong Labor Market”, 27 November 1992, Labor Department, Hong Kong Government.
42. YCR Wong, “Privatize Public Housing”, Conference on Residential Housing in Hong Kong, 19 December 1992, Hong Kong, 15 pages.  Co-Organized by the Department of Business Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic and the Department of Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
43.  YCR Wong, “Socioeconomic Implications of Hong Kong’s Persistent High Inflation”, Forum on Inflation in Hong Kong, 22 February 1993.  Co-Organized by the Central Policy Unit, Hong Kong Government and the Centre of Asian Studies, The University of Hong Kong.
44.  YCR Wong, “Property and Housing in Hong Kong: Issues and Analysis”, 2 April 1993, Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research.
45.  YCR Wong, “Economic Perspectives on a Stable Transition”, Conference on Perspectives on Stable Transition, 10 June 1993, Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions.
46. YCR Wong, “Economic Development and Youth Problems”, Conference on Economic Development and Youth Participation in the 21st Century, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups,pp. 148-151, 12 June 1993 (in Chinese).
47. YCR Wong, “Changing Profile of Hong Kong Economic Problems”, 23 September 1993, Committee on Civic Education, The University of Hong Kong.
48.  YCR Wong, “Understanding Competition in Hong Kong”, Forum on Fair Trade Acts in Hong Kong, 25 September 1993, Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People’s Livelihood.
49. YCR Wong, “China’s Return to GATT: New Challenges and Opportunities for Hong Kong”, Moderator, Conference on Challenges and Opportunities: China’s Return to GATT and its Impact on the Hong Kong Economy, 28 October 1993, One Country Two Systems Economic Research Institute.
50. YCR Wong, “Pacific Economic Cooperation and Trade in Textiles and Clothing”, Session on the Emergence of the New Blocs: GATT, Uruguay Round, MFA and Trade Blocs, 24th World Knitting Congress on Facing a New Economic Order, Hong Kong Knitwear Exporters and Manufacturers Association, 31 October – 3 November, 1993, Hong Kong, 26 pages.
51. YCR Wong, “Labor Force Adjustment to Structural Transformation of the Hong Kong Economy”, Panelist, Academic Forum on Hong Kong’s Labor Market, 9 December 1993, Economics Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Central Policy Unit, Hong Kong Government
52.  YCR Wong, “Old Age Pension Scheme”, 29 December 1993, The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong
53. YCR Wong, “Shanghai’s Economic Development Policy”, 14 April 1994, The Matteo Ricci China Discussion Group
54. YCR Wong, “MFN, Renewal/Non-Renewal, Implications for Hong Kong and China”, 19 April 1994, Harvard Business School Association of Hong Kong
55.  YCR Wong, “Economics of the Old Age Pension Scheme”, 3 November 1994, Rotary Club of Kwun Tong
56.  YCR Wong, “Economy of Hong Kong”, 28 November 1994, Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation
57. YCR Wong, “An Open Letter to Members of the Legislative Council on Retirement Protection”, 7 March 1995, Hong Kong 
58.  YCR Wong, “Competition in the Real Estate Market: Hong Kong and Southern China”, 7 April 1995, The 3rd Tenth Anniversary Academic Forum, City University of Hong Kong
59. YCR Wong, “Issues of Regulation in the Property Market”, Symposium on the Hong Kong Property Market: Stability is the Prime Objective, 7 June 1995, Hong Kong Association for the Advancement of Real Estate and Construction Technology
60.  YCR Wong, “Taiwan as an Asia-Pacific Regional Operations Centre”, 27 June 1995, Seminar on Taiwan as an Asia-Pacific Regional Operations Centre and Its Complementarity to Hong Kong”, Pacific Basin Economic Council, Hong Kong Committee
61. YCR Wong, “On the Importance of Manufacturing Operations to Hong Kong”, 7 July 1995, One Country Two Systems Economic Research Institute
62. YCR Wong, “The Hong Kong Economy Upon China’s Resumption of Sovereignty”, 14 October 1995, Hong Kong Association of Economics Education
63.  YCR Wong, “The Trading Relationship Between Hong Kong and China”, 27 October 1995, AIESEC, Hong Kong
64.  YCR Wong, “Service Industry Growth in Hong Kong”, Symposium on Services Promotion, Hong Kong into the 21st Century: The Servicing Economy, 12 March 1996
65. YCR Wong, “Economic and Financial Prospects for Hong Kong and Shanghai in the Future”, 22 March 1996, AIESIEC-HKU Alignment Project-
66. YCR Wong, “Aspirations and Reality”, American Chamber of Commerce”, 30 May 1996
67. YCR Wong, “The Competitiveness of Hong Kong”, 31 May 1996, Financial Executives Institute
68.  YCR Wong, “Competitiveness and Competition in Hong Kong”, 26 June 1996, Democratic Foundation of Hong Kong
69. YCR Wong, “Keeping Hong Kong Competitive”, 27-28 June 1996, Far Eastern Economic Review Third Annual Countdown to 1997: Roadmap to Hong Kong’s Continued Prosperity
70.  YCR Wong, “Manufacturing and Services in Hong Kong”, 12-17 November 1996, HLB International 1996 Conference
71. YCR Wong, “Property Markets and Housing in Hong Kong”, 16 January 1997, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Land Fund
72. YCR Wong, “Investment Relations between Hong Kong and China after 1997”, Symposium on the Economic Prospects of Hong Kong after 1997, 19 March 1997,  Organized by Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ and Exporters’ Association and Hong Kong Commercial Daily
73. YCR Wong, “Recent Youth Trends and Their Economic and Social Implications for the 21st Century”, First Symposium on the Youth Studies in Hong Kong, 21 March 1997, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
74. YCR Wong, “The Economics of Housing Markets in Hong Kong”, 16 April 1997,  Wah Yan College Kowloon Past Students’ Association
75. YCR Wong, “21st Century Social and Economic Planning – An Outlook from the Youth Development”, 21 April 1997, Hong Kong Youth Association
76. YCR Wong, “Small and Medium Enterprises and Economic Development: Hong Kong Policy Issues”, 21 March 1997, Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association and Wen Wei Bao
77.  YCR Wong, “Future of Hong Kong, SAR within China and the Asian Region”, 2 July 1997, at the 20th Anniversary Reunion International Asian Studies Program
78. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong Economy in Transition”, 4 July 1997, Overseas Graduates Association
79. YCR Wong, “Post-1997 Economic and Trade Development in Hong Kong”, 10 July 1997,  organized by the Trade Development Council
80.  YCR Wong, “Hong Kong Growing as Part of China : A Historical Perspective”, 25 July 1997, Symposium on “Growing into the 21st Century : Hong Kong, China and Asia-Pacific” organized by Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society
81. YCR Wong, “New Housing Policy Will Enhance Hong Kong Competitive Advantage”, 15 October 1997, organized by YPO Hong Kong & China Chapter
82.  YCR Wong, “Privatizing Public Housing”, 5 December 1997,  organized by The Better Hong Kong Foundation 
83. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong – the Servicing Economy”, 8 January 1998, Moderator of Dinner Forum, Tripartite Forum organized by the Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries, the Business and Services Promotion Unit, The University of Hong Kong School of Business
84. YCR Wong, “Causes and Consequences of the Turmoil in Asian Financial Markets, with Particular Reference to HK’s Linked Exchange Rate”, 21 January 1998,  Lecture given at the Sacred Heart Canossian College
85. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong Growing as Part of China”, 6 February 1998, College Assembly, Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
86.  YCR Wong, “Long Term Health Care Policies”, 7 March 1998,  lunch seminar organized by the Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
87.  YCR Wong, “Recent Developments of Business Education in Asian Pacific Basin Countries”, 29 May 1998, The Sixth Conference on Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance
88. YCR Wong, Host of the Conference on “Business Opportunities Led by the Economic Reform in China and the Recent Asian Economic Crisis”, 24 June 1998,  organized by the HKU-Tsinghua Academic Exchange Centre, The University-Industry Cooperation Committee of Tsinghua University
89.  YCR Wong, “The Future of Hong Kong’s Industry”, 29-30 June 1998, session chairman, in the Hong Kong Economic Forum jointly organized by The Hong Kong Policy Research Institute Ltd. and The Hong Kong Trade Development Council
90. YCR Wong, “The Hong Kong Economy in the next ten years”, 7 July 1998, in the Hong Kong Federation of Women Seminar on Future Development of Hong Kong
91. YCR Wong, “Can Liquidity be Increased in Hong Kong?”, in the Public Policy Forum “One Year into the Asian Financial Crisis: Pros and Cons of Maintaining the Linked Exchange Rate”, 26 August 1998,  organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Social Science and Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies
92.  YCR Wong, “Land Policy”, 26 October 1998, in YPO Hong Kong & China Chapter seminar
93. YCR Wong, “Managing Life and Assets in Current Crisis”, 4 November 1998, HKU Social Sciences Alumni Association Luncheon
94. YCR Wong, “The Asian Financial Turmoil and Implications for Hong Kong”, Symposium on Hong Kong’s Long Term Strategic Development, The Better Hong Kong Foundation and the Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research, 11 December 1998, Hong Kong, 7 pages.
95. YCR Wong, “Current State and Future Prospect of the Chinese Economy”, 14 December 1998, Presentation to Board of Directors, Artal Food Industries Ltd.
96.  YCR Wong, “The Policy Agenda on Promotion of Services”, 14 January 1999, Facilitator of Dinner Forum, Tripartite Forum organized by the Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries, the Business and Services Promotion Unit, The University of Hong Kong School of Business
97.  YCR Wong, “The Economic Investment Environment after the Asian Financial Crisis”, 22 January 1999, in the “Strategic Conference on the Development of China Listed Companies in the 21st Century”, Yazhou Zhoukan
98. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong’s Competitive Edge”, 23 January 1999, in The Hong Kong University Social Sciences Alumni Association Annual Form “Sustaining Hong Kong’s Competitiveness in the 21st Century”
99. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong Healthcare Financing and The Role of Choice”, 19 April 1999, in the Hospital Authority Convention 1999
100.  YCR Wong, Session Chairman, International Conference on “Challenges of the New International Financial Architecture: Lessons for East Asia”, 4 June 1999, Asian Institute of International Financial Law & Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
101. YCR Wong, Panelist, “Sustainable Health Care Services”, 8 June 1999, seminar organized by the Central Policy Unit of the Government of the HKSAR
102. YCR Wong, “Macau’s Economic Development in Future”, Proceedings of “Entering the New Millennium of Economic Relations Between Hong Kong and Macau”, 27 June 1999. Seminar organized by Centro de Pesquisa Estrategica para o Desenvolvimento de Macau, Macau, August, 1999, pp. 8-10, Chinese edition.
103. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong’s Health Care System & Direction of Future Reforms”, 20 July 1999, Legislative Council Panel on Health Services Special Meeting.
104. YCR Wong, “Economic Transformation and Recovery in Hong Kong and Singapore”, Analysis of Hong Kong’s Current Position as Compared to Singapore”, 16 September 1999, Zonta Club lunch, 10 pages
105.  YCR Wong, “Economic Transformation and Recovery in Hong Kong and Singapore”, 8 October 1999, in “1999 Accountancy Conference, Vocational Training Council, 10 pages
106. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong and Asian Economic Crisis”, 22 November 1999, Inchcape HKU China Scholarship Program.
107.  YCR Wong, “Challenges in Housing Development”, 24-25 November 1999, in Housing Conference “Better Homes in the Next Millennium”, Hong Kong Housing Authority
108. YCR Wong, “Asian Economy into the 21st Century”, 26 November 1999, “A Better Asia Tomorrow”, Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants 5th Regional Conference in Hong Kong
109. YCR Wong, “The Servicing Economy Quad Forum 1999”, 29 November 1999, Moderator of Dinner Forum, organized by the Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries, the Business and Services Promotion Unit, The University of Hong Kong School of Business.
110.  YCR Wong, “Cross-Straits, Hong Kong and Macau Management Education Deans’ Conference”, Chairman of Organizing Committee, 5-7 December 1999
111. YCR Wong, “The Economic Value of Heritage Conservation”, 15 December 1999, “Heritage and Tourism”, Hong Kong Antiquities Advisory Board Conference.
112. YCR Wong, “Understanding Competition in Hong Kong”, 25 February 2000, Vision 2047 Foundation meeting.
113. YCR Wong, “Innovation: Competing in the Creative Economy”, Chairman of the seminar organized by the British Consulate-General, 24 March 2000
114. YCR Wong, “Economic Transformation and Recovery of the Hong Kong Economy”, 28 March 2000, The Society of Hong Kong Scholars dinner.
115.  YCR Wong, “Understanding Competition in Hong Kong”, 5 April 2000, American Chamber of Commerce.
116. YCR Wong, “Organization and Management”, 26 May 2000, Hutchison Port Holdings Finance Conference 2000, held in Shanghai.
117. YCR Wong, “The Role of the Government in Market Economy”, 8 July 2000, One Country Two Systems Research Institute Ltd. Summer Forum.
118.  YCR Wong, “Forum for the LegCo Candidates (Election Committee)”, 1 September 2000.
119. YCR Wong, “The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Seminar”, 17 October 2000, Hong Kong Council of Social Service.
120. YCR Wong, “21st Century 10th Anniversary Seminar”, 31 October 2000, 21st Century, CUHK
121. YCR Wong, “The Servicing Economy Quad Forum 2000”, 2 November 2000, Panelist of Session D “Marketing Hong Kong in the New Economy”, and Facilitator of Dinner Forum, organized by the Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries, the Business and Services Promotion Unit, The University of Hong Kong School of Business.
122. YCR Wong, “Fiscal Principles of the HKSAR”, 19 February 2001, “Symposium on Fiscal Issues and the Budget”, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy.
123. YCR Wong, “Housing Policy and Structure”, 20 February 2001, Housing Policy Concern Group, Hong Kong Policy Research Institute Ltd.
124. YCR Wong, Co-organizer for “Piloting the Economy in Turbulent Times – Prospects and Strategies for the Hong Kong Economy”, The University of Hong Kong General Education Lecture Series, 20 February to 10 April 2001.
125. YCR Wong, “What changes will/should be made by the new Financial Secretary?”, 25 February 2001, ATV “Newsline” program.
126.  YCR Wong,  “The Financial Budget”, 7 March 2001, on line interview for tdctrade.com, Trade Development Council.
127. YCR Wong, “The Hong Kong Budget 2001/2002”, 8 March 2001, Panel member, PriceWaterhouseCoopers breakfast briefing and panel discussion.
128. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong Healthcare and Finance Reform”, 10 March 2001, “Meeting of the Minds: A Conference on Hong Kong’s Health Care Reform”, Medical and Health Research Network, The University of Hong Kong.
129.  YCR Wong, “The Evolvement and Development of the Hong Kong Economy”, 22 March 2001, the 13th Training Program for the Senior Mainland Officials of the Minority Group, Pei Hua Training Program.
130.  YCR Wong, “The Evolvement and Development of the Hong Kong Economy”, 28 March 2001, Training Program for the PRC Provincial Women Officials, Hong Kong Federation of Women.
131. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong and Shanghai as Financial Centres”, 10 April 2001, “Piloting the Economy in Turbulent Times – Prospects and Strategies for the Hong Kong Economy”, The University of Hong Kong General Education Lecture Series.
132.  YCR Wong, “Is there any structural change in the Hong Kong Economy?”, 25 May 2001, Hong Kong Institute of Real Estate Administration Monthly Meeting.
133. YCR Wong, “Public Housing Reform and Its Effects on the Private Housing Market”, Hong Kong Housing Authority Open Meeting, 28 June 2001.
134. YCR Wong, Moderator, “Relations between Financial Institutions and Economic Performance: Regional Experience”, in the “2001 APEC Economic Outlook Symposium”, 28-29 June 2001, Government of the HKSAR.
135. YCR Wong, Moderator for “Hong Kong/Guangdong Economic Integration”, Facilitator for the Dinner Forum, Joint Hong Kong/Guangdong Economic Forum, Jointly organized by the HKGCC, HKU Faculty of Business and Economics, and the Guangdong Sub-Council of China Council for Promotion of International Trade, 6 September 2001, Hong Kong
136. YCR Wong, “The Blueprint for Social and Economic Development of PRC after the accession of WTO”, Special Forum on the Celebration for the 52nd Anniversary of PRC, organized by Hong Kong Social Welfare Organizations, 26 September 2001, Hong Kong
137. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong’s Economic Future in China and the World”, Partner/Senior Manager Conference of KPMG, 12 October 2001, Macau
138. YCR Wong, “The Economic Development of PRC after the accession to WTO”, Training Program for Female Cadres from Mainland China, organized by All-China Women’s Federation, 22 November 2001, Hong Kong
139. YCR Wong, “The Government’s Role in Economic Development”, Training Program for Senior Government Officials of the PRC, organized by HKU SPACE and the National School of Administration, 6 December 2001, Hong Kong
140.  YCR Wong, “Tung Reelection”, (English & Chinese)13 December 2001, Hong Kong Convention Centre 
141. YCR Wong, Opening address at the Business and Economics Forum “Hong Kong-Shanghai: Partners or Competitors?”, University of Hong Kong 19th Anniversary Forum, 17 December 2001, Hong Kong
142. YCR Wong, Panelist of Forum on “Free Trade Agreement with Mainland China — Its Impact on Hong Kong”, organized by Federation of Hong Kong Industries, 21 December 2001, Hong Kong
143. YCR Wong, Facilitator of Dinner Forum, Penta Forum on “The Policy Agenda on Promotion of Services”, jointly organized by BSPU of the Commerce and Industry Bureau of Government of HKSAR, HK Coalition of Service Industries of HKGCC, and the Faculty of Business and Economics of HKU, 24 January 2002, Hong Kong
144. YCR Wong, “US Economic Forecast” in the Forum on “US Economic Forecast & Business Opportunities in Hong Kong and China”, organized by Yazhou Zhoukan, 31 January 2002, Hong Kong
145. YCR Wong, Credit Lyonnais
Securities Ltd. Corporate Roadshow, 1 March 2002, Hong Kong
146. YCR Wong, Forum on “How to exit from financial deficit”, The Hong Kong Progressive Alliance, 2 March 2002, Hong Kong
147. YCR Wong, Seminar on “PRD and HK e-logistics — Can it help make our ports and trade more efficient?”, The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, 5 March 2002, Hong Kong
148. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong’s Fiscal Issues”, Lunch talk of the University Management Alumni Association, University of Hong Kong, 21 March 2002, Hong Kong
149. YCR Wong, Discussant for P Supachai, “Business Expectations from the Doha Round”, co-organized by Institute for China and Global Development of the University of Hong Kong and the Global Dimensions Programme of the London School of Economics and Political Science, 21 May 2002, Hong Kong
150. YCR Wong, “PRC’s accession to WTO: The effect on the Hong Kong economy”, Seminar for Senior Female PRC Officials, organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Women, 5 June 2002, Hong Kong
151. YCR Wong, Chairman of Session “Tongxiang Networks”, Conference on Repositioning Hong Kong and Shanghai in Modern Chinese History, organised by Centre of Asian Studies, The University of Hong Kong,  12 June 2002, Hong Kong
152. YCR Wong, Luncheon address “Hong Kong’s Financial Role in China’s Economic Development”, International Conference on China’s Economy in the 21st Century, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy, the University of Hong Kong, 24-25 June 2002, Hong Kong
153. YCR Wong, Panelist, “Economy and unemployment”, Forum organized by Ming Pao and Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau of the HKSAR, 24 August 2002, Hong Kong
154. YCR Wong, Panelist, “Hong Kong’s Integration with the Pearl River Delta”, the American Chamber of Commerce Trade & Investment Committee Luncheon Meeting, 27 September 2002, Hong Kong
155. YCR Wong, “Collaborative Advantages of Guangdong and Hong Kong”, Establishment Ceremony of the HKSAR Government’s HK Economic & Trade Office in Guangdong, 14 October 2002, Guangdong
156. YCR Wong, Chairman of Program Committee, Conference on Regulating Electricity — Insights from World Experience for Hong Kong, organized by CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd., 28 October 2002, Hong Kong
157. YCR Wong, “Economics of Quality Healthcare”, Queen Mary Hospital Quality Improvement Forum 2002, 23 November 2002
158. YCR Wong, “Impact of Deflation on Hong Kong’s Public Finance, Enterprises and Individuals”, Seminar organized by the One Country Two Systems Research Institute Ltd., 7 December 2002
159. YCR Wong, Panelist for “Southern Dragons, Post WTO — Perspectives on the Comparative Strengths of the Yantze and Pearl River Delta Regions from a Foreign Investment Perspective”,  American Chamber of Commerce 10th Annual China Business Conference on China WTO Update: One Year and Counting, 12 December 2002
160. YCR Wong, “The Role of Hong Kong in the PRD’s Economic Development”, in “Pearl River Delta & Hong Kong’s Integration of Trade & Business Services”, Merrill Lynch Hong Kong, 22 January 2003
161. YCR Wong, “The Hong Kong Budget 2003/04”,  Panel member, PriceWaterhouseCoopers breakfast briefing and panel discussion, 6 March 2003
162. YCR Wong, “The Social Consequences of Public Housing Policies in Hong Kong”, Hong Kong Police Force Police Command Course, The Government of HKSAR, 28 March 2003
163. YCR Wong, “Manufacturing in Greater PRD and Greater YRD Economic Regions”, The American Chamber of Commerce in HK China Business Committee Breakfast Meeting, 28 May 2003
164. YCR Wong, “Made in PRD”, Federation of Hong Kong Industries Press Conference, 24 June 2003
165. YCR Wong, Chairman of Session on “Economic Recovery”, Joint HKU/CUHK/CPU Academic Seminar on ‘After SARS: Education and Research Agenda for the Future’, 2 July 2003
166. YCR Wong, “Made in PRD Study: Integration with the Greater PRD – What Next?”, Conference on “Made in PRD Study/CEPA”, Federation of Hong Kong Industries, 3 July 2003
167. YCR Wong, “The Role of Government in Hong Kong’s Economic Transition”, lunch time seminar for the administrative service of the SAR Government, 21 August 2003
168. YCR Wong and A Siu, “Causes and Consequences of Deflation in Hong Kong”, Workshop for Members and Staff of the Legislative Council, 23 September 2003
169. YCR Wong, Panelist of Session 1, “Tackling Unemployment and Deflation”, Economic Forum “Towards a Sustainable Economic Recovery”, jointly organized by the Financial Secretary’s Office and Central Policy Unit of the Government of HKSAR, 3 October 2003
170. YCR Wong, Moderator, “Hong Kong as a Producer Services Hub for the Delta”, The Second Pearl River Delta Conference “Charging Ahead to a New Pearl River Super Zone”, jointly organized by Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and South China Morning Post, 17 October 2003
171. YCR Wong, “How CEPA contributes to an even stronger Greater Pearl River Delta – Implications of CEPA”, “Hong Kong Forum 2003”, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, 28 October 2003
172. YCR Wong, Chairman of Economy Forum, “Economic Transactions in Hong Kong: Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta”, 8th CPA Australia Asian Regional Conference, 7 November 2003
173. YCR Wong, “Economic Impact of SARS in Hong Kong”, Symposium on “SARS and Viral Respiratory Infections: Looking Ahead”, HKU Pasteur Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong, 11 November 2003
174. YCR Wong, Moderator, “Regional CEO Panel – Partnerships for Success”, The 3rd Annual Supply Chain Management CEO Summit “Partnerships For Success”, Hong Kong Association of Article Numbering, 17 November 2003
175. YCR Wong, Moderator, “Impact of CEPA”, Conference on “CEPA and the HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge – Impact on and Development of the Logistics and Manufacturing Industries in PRD”, Federation of Hong Kong Industries, 20 November 2003
176. YCR Wong, Chairman, “Lessons from Argentina”, Conference on “Deflation, Pegs and Capital Flows”, jointly organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy and the Hong Kong Institute of Monetary Research, 1 December 2003
177. YCR Wong, “Business Clusters in the PRD”, “Hong Kong and China’s Pearl River Delta: A Globally Competitive Partnership” Faculty Development Program sponsored by CIBER of the University of Colorado at Denver and the Hong Kong-America Center, 5 January 2004.
178. YCR Wong, Moderator for Session A: “Population and Immigration Policies: Challenges and Opportunities”, and Dinner Session in the Penta Forum 2004 jointly organized by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Business and Economics, 9 February 2004.
179. YCR Wong, Chairman, “How can Hong Kong Combat the Severe Fiscal Deficit?”, Budget Forum organized by the HKU Economics and Finance Society, 12 March 2004.
180. YCR Wong, “The Opportunities and Role of Hong Kong’s Financial Sector under the New Economic Order with the Mainland”, in “Hong Kong’s Economy set to Rebound – A New Economic Positioning for the SAR”, seminar jointly organized by Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Co. Ltd. and Ming Pao Newspapers Ltd., 19 March 2004.
181. YCR Wong and A Siu, “Reviving Hong Kong’s Competitiveness”, Asian Economic Panel, Island Shangri La Hotel, 12 April 2004.
182. YCR Wong, “Economic Impact of SARS: The Case of Hong Kong”, in “Hong Kong SARS Forum” organized by the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 11 May 2004.
183. YCR Wong, Opening and Reconvening Remarks, “Hong Kong Integrating with the Mainland Market while Developing as a Global Logistics Hub”, in “Logistics Hong Kong 2004”, 18-19 May 2004.
184. YCR Wong, Moderator for the Economic Experts Session in “Bank of East Asia Forum 2004 – Helping you Stay Ahead”, 11 June 2004.
185. YCR Wong, “Directions for Hong Kong’s Economic Development from a Macro Perspective”, In Summit on the Positioning of the Hong Kong Economy: Leveraging on the Mainland and Engaging Ourselves Globally, Organized by the Hong Kong SAR Government, Hong Kong Convention Centre, 23 August 2004
186. YCR Wong, “UNCTAD World Investment Report: The shift towards services”, Invest Hong Kong, MurrayBuilding, 23 September 2004.
187. YCR Wong, “World Investment: Asia’s role in the shift towards services”, Hong Kong Forum, Hong Kong Club, 6 October 2004.
188. YCR Wong, “HKU’s MBA in Shanghai”, Hong Kong Management Association Annual Conference, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 12 November 2004.
189. YCR Wong, Host, “Budget Forum”, Economics and Finance Society, The University of Hong Kong, 21 March 2005
190. YCR Wong, “The Industrial and Economic Development Trend of Hong Kong and Pan-PRD”, CEO Forum: Opportunities, Challenges for Industries in Hong Kong and the PRD, Hong Kong Federation of Industries, Langham Hotel, 14 April 2005.
191. YCR Wong, “Rethinking Hong Kong Human Resources and Competitiveness”, CEO Manpower Conference 2005 on “Human Capital: Hong Kong’s Future”, General Chamber of Commerce, Aberdeen Marina Club, Hong Kong, 18 May 2005.
192. YCR Wong, Roundtable on “The Renminbi and the Global Economy: Implications for Hong Kong”, Nobel Laureates Forum, ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, Kowloon Shangri La Hotel, 3 June 2005.
193. YCR Wong, Keynote Speaker, “University of Chicago Welcoming Reception for Incoming Students”, American Club, Hong Kong, 30 July 2005.
194. YCR Wong, “Re-thinking Hong Kong’s Human Resources and Competitiveness” in “Hong Kong Forum”, Hong Kong Club, Hong Kong, 26 September 2005.
195. YCR Wong, Panelist in Joint Chamber Luncheon “Does Hong Kong Need a Competition Law?”, Renaissance Harbour View Hotel, Hong Kong, 28 September 2005.
196. YCR Wong, “UNCTAD World Investment Report”, Invest Hong Kong, MurrayBuilding, 30 September 2005.
197. YCR Wong, “Non-Governmental Organizations Roundtable Forum”, “WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference”, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 16 October 2005.
198. YCR Wong, Chairman, Panel on “Historical Competitiveness”, 2022 Conference on “Re-thinking Hong Kong Human Resources and Competitiveness: A Pre-policy Study”, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 6 January 2006.
199. YCR Wong, Commentator for Keynote Speech, “Hong Kong Professionals Advancement Association Limited Inauguration Ceremony”, The Chinese Chamber of Commerce Members Club, Hong Kong, 8 January 2006.
200. YCR Wong, “Can China Leadership Sustain Economic Growth?”, “HK Business Forecast Lunch 2006”, The University of Chicago Alumni Club of Hong Kong and WPO Hong Kong Chapter, Cipriani, Old Bank of China Building, Hong Kong, 11 January 2006.
201. YCR Wong, “Introduction of Competition Law – Pros and Cons for Hong Kong”, Forum on Competition Law, Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Hong Kong, 20 January 2006.
202. YCR Wong, Panelist, “China in 2025”, “HKIA Summit 2025”, Airport Authority Hong Kong, Asia World Expo, HK International Airport, Hong Kong, 28 February 2006.
203. YCR Wong, Moderator, “Share the Fruits of Economic Recovery?”, Budget talk, Economics and Finance Society, Hong Kong University of Student Union, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1 March 2006.
204. YCR Wong, “China Economic Outlook”, in NWSH Management Conference on “Managing Risk, Maximizing Profitability”, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, 15 May 2006.
205. YCR Wong, The Sun Hung Kai Properties Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures Roundtable, Grand Hyatt, Hong Kong, 22 May 2006.
206. YCR Wong, Panelist, “The Future Work Force of Hong Kong”, Business and Economic Policy Seminar Series 2005/06, Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, 26 May 2006.
207. YCR Wong, Moderator, Symposium on “World Economic Prospects and the Future of Business in China”, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong, Central Plaza, Hong Kong, 2 June 2006.
208. YCR Wong, Moderator, “Strengthened Training – Internship Program” “Industry/Academia Collaboration on Nurturing Financial Talent Series II: Enhancing Quality with Strengthened Training”, Financial Services and Treasury Bureau, Government of the HKSAR, Hong Kong, 10 June 2006.
209. YCR Wong, Opening Remarks, “Marketing Scholar Forum IV”, Hong Kong, 21 June 2006.
210. YCR Wong, “UNCTAD World Investment Report”, Invest Hong Kong, Pacific Place Conference Centre, 17 October 2006.
211. YCR Wong, “Greater PRD and Greater YRD Economic Regions”, Board Lunch Talk of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Holdings, HSBC Headquarters, 23 November 2006.
212. YCR Wong, “Joint Venture of the Hong KongZhuhaiAirport”, interview by CCTV, 7 January 2007.
213. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong-Mainland Economic Outlook 2007”, Forum of Hong Kong United Youth Association, World Trade Centre Club, 8 January 2007.
214. YCR Wong, Key-note speaker at “V-Care Volunteer Aid Campaign: A Befriending Programme for the Deprived” Commending Ceremony, HK Baptist University, 14 January 2007.
215. YCR Wong, Welcome remarks at “Where Next for Policy Studies?  Making the Connections across Disciplines and Domains” Conference organized by the Strategic Research Theme on Social and Public Policy at The University of Hong Kong, 22-23 March 2007.
216. YCR Wong, “Made in PRD: Challenges and Opportunities for HK Industry”, Seminar organized by Federation of Hong Kong Industries, 19 April 2007.
217. YCR Wong, Facilitator at “Market Leaders – Realizing the Vision”, Seminar co-organized by ET Business College and Asia Case Research Centre HKU, HK Polytechnic University, 15 May 2007.
218. YCR Wong, “Educating Talents for Tomorrow’s Hong Kong”, “Maintaining Hong Kong’s Competitiveness in the Next Decade”, session in “Asian Century: China and Vietnam Booming”, World Pension Forum  
219. YCR Wong, “Made in PRD: Challenges and Opportunities for HK Industry”, Seminar organized by Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Shenzhen, 21 May 2007.
220. YCR Wong, Keynote address, “Hong Kong’s Human Capital: Strategic Challenges – Practical Solutions”, CEO Manpower Conference 2007, Aberdeen Marina Club, 30 May 2007.
221. YCR Wong, “中國金融改革中香港的角色”, “第七屆三江論壇:資本浪潮中的中國 – 中國資本市場的十年蛻變與前瞻”, (“Hong Kong’s Role in China’s Financial Reform,” Seventh Sanjiang Forum 2007), Co-organized by RTHK, CBN, Satellite Radio Guangdong; The University of Hong Kong, 23 September 2007.
222. YCR Wong, Welcome Address, U21 Health Science Meeting, The University of Hong Kong, 27 September 2007.
223. YCR Wong, Speaker, “World Investment Report 2007” Press Conference, 17 October 2007.
224. YCR Wong, Chairman, “CEO Forum: Growth of Chinese Enterprises and the Challenges Ahead”, Trade Development Council, Hong Kong, 21 April 2008.
225. YCR Wong, Moderator, “Regional Cooperation and Infrastructure Construction” Conference, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 6 June 2008.
226. YCR Wong, Welcoming Address and Session Chair, “The Polycentric Metropolis: A Western European Perspective On Mega-City Regions” and “New Urban Formats: Global Cities and Mega-Regions”, in “International Symposium on Mega-City Regions Innovations in Governance and Planning”, The University of Hong Kong, 5 August 2008.
227. YCR Wong, Speaker, “World Investment Report 2008” Press Conference, Invest Hong Kong, MurrayBuilding, 25 September 2008.
228. YCR Wong, Welcoming Address, “Managing World Cities: Hong Kong-London-New York”, Inaugural Conference, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong; School of Social Science and Public Policy, King’s College London, Robett F Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University; Central Policy Unit, The Government of the HKSAR, 23-25 October 2008
229. YCR Wong, “Adjustments of the Mainland’s Economic Structure and Future Developments of Taiwan and Hong Kong (The progress of implementation and the 11th Five-Year Plan and the outlook of the 12th Five-Year Plan)”, Economic Forum on the Economic Co-operation and Development for the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong, Central Policy Unit, Government of the HKSAR, 29 October 2008.
230. YCR Wong, “Property Integration and Strategic Decision”,  Forum on “Hong Kong-Pearl River Delta Property Integration and Economic Growth”, Co-organized by the University of Hong Kong and Beijing University, 20 December 2008.
231. YCR Wong, “The Financial Tsunami”, live interview, Metro Finance Radio, Hong Kong, 14 March 2009.
232. YCR Wong,  “The Financial Tsunami”, live interview, Hong Kong Commercial Radio, Hong Kong, 7 June 2009.
233. YCR Wong, “HK’s Changing Service Economy & What it means for the Jockey Club – Random thoughts by an Economist”, Speaker for Retreat of Hong Kong Jockey Club Retreat, JW Marriott Hotel, Shenzhen, 9 July 2009.
234. YCR Wong, Plenary speaker, “領袖談閱讀講座”, 領袖的書櫃 (“Leaders on Reading,” Leaders’ Bookshelf), Hong Kong Economic Times and Trade Development Council, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, 26 July 2009
235. YCR Wong, “Friedman’s Unfinished Business – 52 Years After Capitalism and Freedom”, “The Friedman Legacy for Freedom”, The Friedman Foundation in Hong Kong and Lion Rock Institute, Club Lusitano, Hong Kong, 31 July 2009
236. YCR Wong, “How is the World Economy Recovering After the Financial Tsunami?”, Speaker for the Hong Kong College of Cardiology AGM, Hong Kong, 16 September 2009
237. YCR Wong, panelist, “The Organization of the Future”, “Creating the Future Today”, Drucker 100 Management Forum, Peter F. Drucker Academy,  Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel, Hong Kong, 19 October 2009
238. YCR Wong, Chairman of Forum, “Economy and Investment Forum”, “China – Tackling the Global Economy”, CPA Australia 13th Asian Regional Conference, Conrad Hotel, Hong Kong, 30 October 2009
239. YCR Wong, “The Rise of the Services in Hong Kong – Cross Border Implications for Health and Education”, The 10th Ho Hung Chiu Lecture, Hong Kong College of Radiologists, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Hong Kong, 31 October 2009
240. YCR WONG, “香港如何維持競爭優勢,” in “Hong Kong Economic Summit 2010: Roadmap to Hong Kong Success”, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Metro Finance and Hong Kong Exchange, Four Seasons Hotel, Hong Kong, 14 December 2009
241. YCR Wong, “The Asia-Pacific Role in the Post Crisis Global Economic Order”, Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation Seminar “The Global Financial Crisis and Recovery: A Regional Cooperation Perspective”, South Pacific Hotel, Hong Kong, 27 January 2010
242. YCR Wong, Moderator, “A Conversation with George Soros”, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 3 February 2010
243. YCR Wong, Commentator, Luncheon Talk on “Women’s participation – An Economic Development Imperative”, Women’s Commission, The Mira Hong Kong, 8 March 2010
244. YCR Wong, “Mobility of Talents”, Panelist in “Hong Kong in the Asia-Pacific Region”, Seminar of the Central Policy Unit, Government of the HKSAR, at The University of Hong Kong, 10 March 2010.
245. YCR Wong, “Can Hong Kong realize the opportunities offered by the Mainland China’s economic ascendancy – Hong Kong: New landscape, new opportunities”, Hong Kong/European Union/Hong Kong Business Co-operation Committees 11th Plenary Session, Renaissance Harbour View Hotel, Hong Kong, 24 March 2010
246. YCR Wong, “Time on the Cross – Recent Reflections on the Study of Slavery in America by Fogel and Engerman”, HKU Alumni Leaders Luncheon, Hang Seng Bank Headquarters, Hong Kong, 2 June 2010
247. YCR Wong, Moderator, “Causes of the Worldwide Boom in Higher Education, Especially of Women”, Gary Becker, Centenary Distinguished Lectures, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 20 September 2010
248. YCR Wong, Chairman, “Navigating the New — Economy and Investment Forum”,  CPA Australia Congress, Conrad, Hong Kong, 29 October 2010
249. YCR Wong, Panelist, “Cathay Pacific Management Conference”, Cathay City, Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong, 8 December 2010
250. YCR Wong, “Strategic Issues in the Economic Development of Hong Kong in a Rising Asia”, Public Lecture on Area of Excellence Project, University Grants Committee, Hong Kong, 29 January 2011
251. YCR Wong, Moderator, “Budget Talk 2011 – Inflation: The Unstoppable?”, Economics and Finance Society, The University of Hong Kong, Hon Kong, 24 February 2011
252. YCR Wong, “Competition Law Forum”, Democratic Alliance For the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, Central Government Offices, Hong Kong, 16 March 2011
253. YCR Wong, “Housing Development in Hong Kong and its Consequences and What Can Be Done”, Business Professionals Federation, Hong Kong, 9 April 2011
254. YCR Wong, Chairman of Panel, HKU Centenary Distinguished Lecture by Elinor Ostrom, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 3 May 2011
255. YCR Wong, Chairman of Session “Producer Services and China’s Economic Development”, Urban Planning Symposium on China Economic and Urban Development, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 20 May 2011
256. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong’s Future in a Changing Asia”, University of Columbia Symposium, Langham Hotel, Hong Kong, 22 May 2011
257. YCR Wong, “Housing Development in Hong Kong and its Consequences and What Can be Done”, Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong Brainstorming Session on Housing, Dynasty Club, Hong Kong, 4 June 2011
258. YCR Wong, “The Political Economy of Policy Making in Hong Kong and its Economic Consequences”, Senior Management Seminar of Link, Hong Kong, 17 June 2011
259. YCR Wong, HKMA Theme Year Working Party Seminar on Twelve.Five: 『中國經濟面對的挑戰』, Hong Kong, 9 July 2011
260. YCR Wong, “Globalization and Poverty: Past and Present”, Summer School for Effective Leadership 2011, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 24 July 2011
261. YCR Wong, “Euro Crisis: Implications for Asia”, in “Euro Crisis: Implications for Asia and China in the Global Economy” Seminar, LondonBusinessSchool, HKU Faculty of Business and Economics, ColumbiaBusinessSchool, Hong Kong, 29 November 2011
262. YCR Wong, “Protection of Elderly People”, in “Christian Economists Roundtable – A Dialogue with Theologians and Economic Issues and Policies”, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 10 December 2011
263. YCR Wong, “The Cost and Benefit of Competition Bill from an Economic Perspective”, New People’s Party Competition Bill Seminar, Hong Kong, 10 December 2011.
264. YCR Wong, “A Dialogue with Theologians on Economic Issues and Policies”, Christian Economists Roundtable, Hong Kong, 10 December 2011
265. YCR Wong, 『香港經濟發展的關鍵問題』, 教育評議會周年大會, (Critical Elements in Hong Kong’s Economic Development”, Education Convergence Annual General Meeting), Hong Kong Baptist University, 10 February 2012
266. YCR Wong, “Another Look at China’s Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, ICEDR HRD Leadership Program – Asia Pacific, University of Hong Kong, 7 March 2012
267. YCR Wong, Moderator at Public Forum “中國改革的總體規劃和頂層設計問題”, University of Hong Kong, 23 March 2012
268. YCR Wong, Moderator at “The Pattern of Growth & Governance in China and India”, SC Fan Lecture, University of Hong Kong, 17 April 2012
269. YCR Wong, “Cities, Human Capital and Economic Development”, Planning Department, Government of the HKSAR, 5 July 2012
270. YCR Wong, Keynote Speaker for Economic Subtheme, “World Youth Leaders Forum 2012”, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 11 July 2012
271. YCR Wong, Opening Speech for “2012 Academy for the Talented – Summer Module”, University of Hong Kong, 16 July 2012
272. YCR Wong, “Why is Housing so Expensive”, Closing Speech for “2012 Academy for the Talented – Summer Module”, University of Hong Kong, 19 July 2012
273. YCR Wong, “The Origins of Deep Contradictions in Hong Kong”, Speech at the Commencement Ceremony of the Asia Institute for Political Economy, University of Hong Kong, 27 July 2012
274. YCR Wong, Panelist : “What is Required for a Profit Oriented Health Care Industry to Become an Economic Pillar?”, “Healthcare as a pillar industry of Hong Kong: Truth or Illusion?”, Hong Kong College of Health Service Executives 6th Annual Conference, Langham Place Hotel, 28 July 2012
275. YCR Wong, “On the Supply of and Demand for Poverty: Factors in the Alleviation of Poverty”, Round Table Discussion on “Expectations Towards Commission on Poverty”, The Hong Kong Council of Social Services, 24 August 2012
276. YCR Wong, “Funding and Strategy Considerations at Business Schools”, Speech at Retreat of the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong, 15 September 2012
277. YCR Wong, The Economics and Politics of the Minimum Wage”, British Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Meeting, Hong Kong Club, 5 October 2012
278. YCR Wong, Moderator, “How Can We Make Capitalism Work for the Planet? – A Dialogue with Nobel Laureate AI Gore”, The Ritz Carlton, 16 October 2012
279. YCR Wong, “Housing and Property in Hong Kong”, UBS Presentation, 16 October 2012
280. YCR Wong, “Urban Housing in Hong Kong, Singapore and Lima: Implications for China”, The University of Hong Kong Distinguished Lecture, Shanghai, 3 November 2012
281. YCR Wong, “香港真的無葯可救?”, Connectivity Symposium, “Connectivity – Hong Kong’s Strength to Take Us to the Next Level”, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 25 January 2013
282. YCR Wong, “Why are Property Prices So High?”, Forum on “Housing and Land in Hong Kong: Policies, Issues and Debates”, The University of Hong Kong, 23 February 2013
283. YCR Wong, Moderator, “Fundamentals of Currency Union Crisis”, Nobel Laureate Distinguished Lecture by Professor Thomas J. Sargent, The University of Hong Kong, 25 April 2013
284. YCR Wong, Closing Remarks, “Christian Economists Roundtable 2013 – Market Economy in Practice”, 4 May 2013
285. YCR Wong, Closing Speech, “中國夢;展望中國政治經濟發展路向”, (China’s Dream: Political and Economic Future of China, Fudan University Alumni Association in Hong Kong), Sun Hung Kai Centre, 27 April 2013
286. YCR Wong, “香港還有藥可救嗎?”,「香港向前走」系列論壇, (“Can Hong Kong be Saved?”, Hong Kong Into the Future), Hong Kong Economic Journal, 7 May 2013
287. YCR Wong, “走出傳統、邁向現代的中國經濟”, 「經濟論壇:話說天下大勢」 (“China’s Economic Development From Tradition to Modernity”), Wu Yee Sun College, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2 October 2013
288. YCR Wong, “An economic perspective of HK’s deep social and political contradictions”, HKGCC Luncheon Roundtable, 9 October 2013
289. YCR Wong, “Innovative Financing”, “Investing Early and Wisely – International Forum on Kindergarten Education”, The University of Hong Kong, 24 October 2013
290. YCR Wong, “HK: Predicament, Opportunity and Choice”, Hong Kong Management Association 2013 Annual Conference, HK Exhibition and Convention Centre, 12 November 2014
291. YCR Wong, “HK’s Competitiveness and Challenges”, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce Economic Committee Meeting, 20 November 2013
292. YCR Wong, “Extension of retirement age from an economist prespective”, “A Multi-Stakeholder Seminar Series on Population Policy in Hong Kong”, The University of Hong Kong, 2 December 2013
293. YCR Wong, moderator, Panel on “China’s Latest Reforms: A New Growth Order”, “Asia-Global Dialogue 2013”, Four Seasons Hotel, Hong Kong, 6 December 2013
294. YCR Wong, “80 per cent Homeownership – Hong Kong Land for Hong Kong People”, Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macau Studies Inauguration Forum, Beijing, 7 December 2013
295. YCR Wong, “On Tackling Hard Problems in Modern Society”, Sir David Todd Oration, “Hong Kong Academy of Medicine 20th Anniversary Congress”, 9 December 2014
296. YCR Wong, “Divorce, Marriage, and Long-Term Housing Strategy”, Project Chambers Christmas Luncheon, Hong Kong Club, 18 December 2013
297. YCR Wong, “The Origins of Rising Poverty and Inequality in Hong Kong and Other Affluent Societies”, Central Policy Unit Seminar, 28 February 2014
298. YCR Wong, “Reforming public housing and other related issues including income inequality, social mobility, family formation, divorce and marriage, and economic prosperity”, Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong, 4 March 2014
299. YCR Wong, “Understanding Rising Poverty and Inequality in Hong Kong”, Hong Kong Ideas Centre, 7 March 2014
300. YCR Wong, “Understanding Inequality and Intergenerational Mobility in Hong Kong”, Endowed Professorship Public Lecture, The University of Hong Kong, 11 April 2014
301. YCR Wong, “Population challenges to Hong Kong’s Economic Development”, Education Bureau, HKSAR, Hong Kong Space Museum, 30 April 2014
302. YCR Wong, Panelist, “Middle Income Trap or a Bill On Prosperous Consumers?”, Fung Global Institute Forum on “Enabling Asia’s Future – Hear From the World’s Leading Thinkers”, The University of Hong Kong, 5 May 2014
303. YCR Wong, “Population, Intergenerational Mobility, Public Expenditure and the Economic Future of Hong Kong”, 2014 MTR Executive Continuous Learning Program – HK macro environment seminar series, Mass Transit Railways Corp. Headquarters, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 12 May 2014
304. YCR Wong, “Towards A Comprehensive Housing Policy”, South China Morning Post “Housing Policy – Redefining Hong Kong Debate Series” Seminar 4, JW Marriott Hotel, Hong Kong, 27 June 2014
305. YCR Wong, “Latest political and economic situation in Hong Kong”, MPhil Alumni Association of CUHK, Hong Kong, 27 June 2014
306. YCR Wong, “Is the Hong Kong Housing Ladder Broken?”, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Distinguished Speaker Series, United Centre, Hong Kong, 31 July 2014
307. YCR Wong, “The Rising Gap between Haves and Have-Nots in Hong Kong “, HKIMSS Distinguished Lecture, HKU, Hong Kong, 24 October 2014
308. YCR Wong, “Introduction” and “Closing Remarks”, Our Hong Kong Foundation Forum: “Hong Kong : The Way Forward”, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 10 November 2014
309. YCR Wong, “An Old Age Issue – FOSS”, Public Policy Forum 2014, HKU, Hong Kong, 10 November 2014
310. YCR Wong, “Costs in Regulating Land and Housing Development in HK”, HKGCC Roundtable Luncheon, HKGCC, Hong Kong, 18 November 2014
311. YCR Wong, “Housing Policy of The Budget”, Commentary interview, Cable TV, Hong Kong, 25 Feburary 2015
312. YCR Wong, Modorator of “Budget Talk 2015 – Sailing Out of the Mist” Economics and Finance Society, HKU, Hong Kong, 27 February 2015
313. YCR Wong, “Understanding Piketty: The Economics of Housing Wealth Distribution and Its Consequences in Hong Kong”, HKEcon Assn, The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong, 2 March 2015
314. YCR Wong, “Understanding the Economics of Housing Wealth Distribution  and its Consequences in Hong Kong”, Institute of Directors Luncheon, Club Lusitano, Hong Kong, 27 April 2015
315. YCR Wong, “Economic Outlook Hong Kong 2015”, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Asia Society, Hong Kong, 28 April 2015
316. YCR Wong, Panelist, 「IT人論政改」研討會 (IT Professionals’ Forum of Political Reform Hosted by Legislative Councillor Charles Mok), Hong Kong, 2 June 2015
317. YCR Wong, “香港房屋政策問題”,「香港政策議題」講座,經民聯 (Hong Kong Housing Policy Issues, Hong Kong Policy Lecture, Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong), Hong Kong, 27 June 2015
318. YCR Wong, “Rethinking Hong Kong’s Long Term Housing Policy”, Standard Chartered Bank Executive Lunch Talk, 30 June 2015
319. YCR Wong, “Social Mobility “, SCMP  Redefining Hong Kong Debate Series III- Seminar 3, Marriott Hotel, Hong Kong, 9 July 2015
320. YCR Wong, “What is Justice”, Hong Kong Ideas Centre, Hong Kong, 10 July 2015
321. YCR Wong, “The Future of Hong Kong – What Next?”, HKU Convocation Conference, HKU, Hong Kong, 18 July 2015
322. YCR Wong, “Human Capital in HK”, “Pathways to Employment Summit”, Jointly organized by MTR & The Hong Kong Council of Social Services, Excelsior Hotel, Hong Kong, 17 September 2015
323. YCR Wong, Moderator, “香港在國家發展戰略中的地位和作用論壇”, 全國港澳研究會, (Panel on China Financial Internationalization and HK Financial Industry, Hong Kong’s Role in China’s Strategic Development, Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies), Conrad Hotel, Hong Kong, 20 September 2015.
324. YCR Wong, Panelist, “促進青年人社會上遊動力”(Promoting Upward Mobility of Youths), Commission on Poverty Summit, Government Offices, Tamar, Hong Kong, 10 October 2015.
325. YCR Wong, Round Table“香港宏觀經濟政策調整的路徑選擇”(Hong Kong Macroeconomic Policy Adjustment and Choices), The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 24 October 2015.
326. YCR Wong, Moderator Discussant Panel, “Chinese State-Owned Enterprises Meet the New Normal and Internet-Plus Economy,” Edward K.Y. Chen Distinguished Lecture 2015, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 30 October 2015.
327. YCR Wong, “幼敎投資vs回報” (Childhood Education Investments and Returns), Council of Non-profit Making Organizations for Pre-primary Education Forum, Hong Kong, 31 October 2015.
328. YCR Wong, “灼見名家周年論壇 — 2016靜觀求變” (Master-Insight 2016 Annual Forum on the Economy), Four Seasons Hotel, Hong Kong, 2 November 2015.
329. YCR Wong, Panelist, “Land and Housing Research Summit”, Our Hong Kong Foundation, Asia Society, Hong Kong, 9 November 2015.
330. YCR Wong, “Poverty and Mobility in Hong Kong’s 21st Century”, HK Baptist Church 普通話福音講座, 13 November 2015
331. YCR Wong, “Challenges Ahead”, Round-Table Luncheon, Vision 2047 Foundation, Hong Kong, 17 November 2015.
332. YCR Wong, “Common Law, Financial and Sources Development”, Service Leadership Education Workshop, Hong Kong, 15 December 2015.
333. YCR Wong, “Challenges of Housing and Hong Kong’s Future”, Path of Democracy, 17 December 2015.
334. YCR Wong, “Land and Housing Policy”, Our Hong Kong Foundation Meeting with OHKF Advisers, Hong Kong, 12 January 2016.
335. YCR Wong, “The Economy, Sustainability and Human Development”, Asia-Global Dialogue, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 28 January 2016.
336. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong Startup Ecosystem”, Ernst and Young, Hong Kong, 29 January 2016.
337. YCR Wong, “Analysis of why land and housing supply is in shortage in all major cities”, Class on “Hong Kong Land Supply, General Education Unit, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 24 March 2016.
338. YCR Wong, Panelist in “The Belt and Road initiative: One belt, one road, one vision and many implications”, in HSBC Forum: “Rising to the challenge, shaping a different future”, Four Seasons Hotel, Hong Kong, 7 April 2016
339. YCR Wong, “Education, Family and Housing: Inequality and Mobility”, Hong Kong Principals’ Institute (HKPI), Hong Kong, 21 April 2016
340. YCR Wong, “Universal Social Pension”, in “Universal Old Age Pension Scholar Forum, Harbour Times, Hong Kong, 16 June 2016
341. YCR Wong, “What is Hong Kong’s Housing Problem and How to Solve It”, Institute of Active Aging, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 20 August 2016
342. YCR Wong,” Is Artificial Intelligence a Serious Threat or an Essential Tool?”, First Year Induction Forum, Faculty of Scoial Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 26 August 2016.
343. YCR Wong,” Invest in Our Young for a Brighter Future”, Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association Staff Conference, Hong Kong, 23 September 2016.
344. YCR Wong, “普通法、民法與金融市場發展”,  “金融機遇和挑戰”系列講座,Chinese Banking Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 28 November 2016
345. YCR Wong, Moderator for “Raghuram Rajan on Asia: Driving Change, Innovation and Connectivity”, Asian Financial Forum, Hong Kong, 16-17 Jaunuary 2017.
346. YCR Wong, “The Economic Discourse”, Policy Seminar Series, Education Policy Unit, The University of Hong Kong – Principals’ Institute Joint Seminars, Hong Kong, 7 March 2017.
347. YCR Wong, Opening address, “HK Students For Liberty – Hong Kong Chapter: ‘What is the moral of doing business?’ Be it ‘liveable wage’ or ‘let the market decide’”, Lion Rock Institute, Hong Kong, 9 March 2017.
348. YCR Wong, Debate on –   “Is 2017/18 Hong Kong Budget on track to rejuvenate the city’s economy? “, South China Morning Post Redefining Hong Kong Debate Series V – Forum 1, Hong Kong, 17 March 2017.
349. YCR Wong, “The Knowledge Economy in the 21s Century (二十一世紀的知識型經濟)”, Distinguish Lecture of《公大講堂》,Open University, Hong Kong, 24 March 2017.
350. YCR Wong, “Corporate Social Responsibility”, Christian Economists Forum 2017, Hong Kong Instiutte of Economics and Business Strategy, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 6 May 2017.
351. YCR Wong, “Common Law, Financial and Services Development” ”, Service Leadership Education Workshop, 23 May 2017.
352. YCR Wong, “社關十字路:「房地施政成與敗」”, 循道衛理聯合教會研討會, 香港基督教循道衛理聯合教會九龍堂, 29 July 2017.
353. YCR Wong, “Challenges and Opportunities in Hong Kong”, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, EMBA Talk, Cyberport, Hong Kong, 11 September 2017.
354. YCR Wong, “家庭價值:婚姻家庭與孩童福祉”, 中國基督教播道會恩福堂社關主日, 8 October, 2017
355. YCR Wong, “Endogenous and Exogenous Shocks to the Labour Market”, HKGCC CEO Manpower Conference, Harbour Grand Hong Kong, 26 October 2017.
356. YCR Wong, “Inequality and social policies”, Asia Global Fellows Program, Asia Global Institute, Hong Kong, 26 October 2017.
357. YCR Wong, “民建聯房屋政策交流會”, Hong Kong, 20 November 2017.
358. YCR Wong, Moderator for “Globalisation and Regional Integration – The Asian Perspectives”, in “Free Trade & Globalization – The HK Experience in Retrospect and the Propects” Conference by the Trade and Industry Department of the HKSAR Government and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, W Hong Kong Hotel, 1 December 2017.
359. YCR Wong, “Budget Talk 2018 of Economics and Finance Society BEA HKUSU – Budget Forum”, The University of Hong Kong, 7 March 2018.
360. YCR Wong, “Can More Land Solve Housing Problem?”  Talk at Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB), Hong Kong, 10 March 2018.
361. YCR Wong, Moderator, “Plenary Session 1: Responsible investment: how can governments and business work together to scale up sustainable investing”, Asia-Pacific Business Forum 2018, Hong Kong, 10 April 2018.
362. YCR Wong, “An Economic Analysis of Why There is a Housing Shortage in Hong Kong and Its Consequences”, guest lecture at HK University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong 14 April 2018.
363. YCR Wong, Plenary “Planning for an Unknowable Future”, in “Global Talent Summit- Developing Asian Talent for the New Economy”, Hong Kong, 17 April 2018.
364. YCR Wong, “The Housing Ladder: Why is it Broken and How can it be Restored”, Hong Kong Institute of Planners, Hong Kong, 26 April 2018.
365. YCR Wong, “Sources of Stability & Volatility in the Global Business Environment”, Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Club, Hong Kong, 25 May 2018.
366. YCR Wong, “自由主義”,《五夜講場—學人講經濟》, 香港電臺31台, Hong Kong, 27 May 2018.
367. YCR Wong, “Should We Be Afraid of A Trade War?”, Hong Kong Federation of Women Luncheon Talk, Hong Kong Club, Hong Kong, 28 May 2018.
368. YCR Wong, ““Empirical Findings of the Economic Consequences of Legal Origins””, Service Leadership Education Workshop, Hong Kong, 1 June 2018.
369. YCR Wong, “Globalization, Disruption and Progress”, Asia Global Fellows Program, Asia Global Institute, Hong Kong, 11 September 2018.
370. YCR Wong, “Challenges and Opportunities in Hong Kong”, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, EMBA Talk, Hong Kong, 18 September 2018.
371. YCR Wong, moderator for “Globalization in a new multilateral framework”, AsiaGlobal Dialogue 2018: Redefining multilateralism in a new global economy”, Hong Kong, 14-15 November 2018.
372. YCR Wong, “Regulation and regulators as enablers or barriers of business opportunities”, “Regulatory Impact Assessment” seminar, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong, 15 November 2018.
373. YCR Wong, “Current Economic Trends in Hong Kong and Its Neighbours”, English Speaking Union, World Trade Centre Club, Hong Kong, 23 November 2018.
374. YCR Wong, “弘揚舜帝文化,促進一帶一路”, The 26th International Conference of the World Association of Chinese Clan Associations世界舜裔聯誼會第26屆國際大會, Hong Kong, 25 November 2018.
375. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong’s Economic Reformation and Strategy in 21st Century”, Lecture given to students of King Prajadhipok’s Institute of Thailand in the class “Politics and Governance in Democratic Systems for Executives”, on Study Visit to Hong Kong, 27 November 2018.
376. YCR Wong, moderator, “The future of finance”, The Opening of The Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Academic Complex, The University of Chicago Francis and Rose Yuen Campus in Hong Kong, 1 December 2018.
377. YCR Wong, “Hong Kong Economic Outlook”, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, The Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Academic Complex, The University of Chicago Francis and Rose Yuen Campus in Hong Kong, 29 January 2019.