Yue Chim Richard WONG SBS  JP

Address:  President’s Office, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

                 Tel: (852) 2859 1122; Fax: (852) 2549 8370




I. Education

1974  A.B., A.M. in Economics, University of Chicago
1981 Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago

II. Positions
II.1. Present

1988- Founding Director, Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research
1992- Professor (1995-), Reader (1992-95), School of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong
1996- Senior Fellow, National Center for Economic Research, Tsinghua University
1999- Founding Director, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy (HIEBS)
2011- Philip Wong Kennedy Wong Professorship in Political Economy
2019- Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, The University of Hong Kong

II.2. Previous

1976-92 Senior Lecturer (1987-92), Lecturer (1981-86), Assistant Lecturer (1976-80), Department of Economics,  The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1984-85 Visiting Fellow, National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago
1989-90 Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University
1997-02 Director, School of Business, The University of Hong Kong
1997-2007 Director, HK-Shanghai School of Management, The University of Hong Kong and Fudan University
1997-2007 Director, HKU-Tsinghua Business Education and Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong and Tsinghua University
1997-07 Founding Director, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Study Centre, The University of Hong Kong
2001-02 Acting Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong
2002-04 Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong
2004-07 Acting Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong
2004-2010 Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost, The University of Hong Kong
2012-2014 Director, Institute for China and Global Development
2013-2019 Honorary Professor of Economics, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences
2014-2018 Coordinator of Economics, School of Economics and Finance
2019-2020 Acting Executive Vice-President (Administration and Finance), The University of Hong Kong

III. Honours And Awards

1970-74 Alexander White Scholarship, University of Chicago
1974-75 National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship
1975-76 Earhart Foundation Fellowship
1979-80 Lingnan Trustees Fellowship
1990-  Biographed in Who’s Who in the World, 10th edition, Macmillan Press, 1990
1992  Winner of the Sir Antony Fisher International Memorial Award. Presented by the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Washington, DC for outstanding contribution to public understanding of the free economy
1999  Silver Bauhinia Star award, presented by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for contributions in education, housing, industry and technology development
2000  Justice of the Peace, appointed by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2001 Honorary Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Real Estate Administration
2008  Charles H. Brunie Prize for paper “Free Markets in China’s Economic Growth – Hong Kong’s Role” presented at The Mont Pelerin Society 2008 Tokyo, 60th Anniversary Meeting, Technology and Freedom, Asian Economic Growth: How Important Were Free Markets? Tokyo, Japan, September 2008
2011  Hong Kong Fulbright Distinguished Scholar for 2011
2013 Faculty Outstanding Teacher Award (Undergraduate Teaching) 2012-13, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong
2016 Hong Kong Golden Book Award 2016 for 《面對不均 再創奇跡》

IV. Teaching

Undergraduate : Introductory Microeconomics
Introductory Macroeconomics
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Economics of Human Resources
History of Economic Thought
Economy and the State
Economic System of Hong Kong
Business Cycles and Strategy
Political Economy of Public Policy
Introduction to Economics
State, Law and The Economy
The Political Economy of Growth and Poverty in the World
Corporate Social Responsibility
Shaping our World: Liberalism, Socialism and Nationalism
Post-graduate : Microeconomic Theory
Macroeconomic Theory
Mathematical Economics
Competition, Regulation, and Business Strategy
Theses supervision : 10 M.Phil. and 2 Ph.D. theses
Executive Education Advanced Leadership Enhancement Program, Co-organized by University of Hong Kong and Columbia University:
Population, Inequality, Intergenerational Mobility, Public Expenditures, and the Economic Future of Hong Kong, (2014-15)
Population, Inequality, Intergenerational Mobility, Public Expenditures, and the Economic Future of Hong Kong, (2015-16)
Demographic Changes and the Economic Future of Hong Kong, (2016-17)
Hyper-globalization, Demographic Changes, and the Economic Future of Hong Kong, (2017-18)
Demographic Changes and the Economic Future of Hong Kong, (2017-18)
Demographic Changes and the Economic Future of Hong Kong, (2018-19)
Economics in Our Lives Debate Summer Programmes, Organized by School of Economics and Finance, University of Hong Kong:
“Understanding Inequality in Hong Kong” and “Understanding Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty in Hong Kong,” 2014.
“Understanding Inequality in Hong Kong” and “Inequality in Housing Wealth and Its Economic and Political Consequences,” 2015-2016.
HKU-PKU Executive MBA : Co-organised by University of Hong Kong and Peking University:
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (2018-19)

V. Administrative Contribution to University
V.1. Chinese University of Hong Kong

1981-83 Dean of Students, New Asia College
1981-87 Fellow, New Asia College
1981-92 Member, University Senate
1982-89 Member, Strategic Planning Committee on Admissions Policy and Curriculum Structure of the University
1982-89 Chairman, Admissions Committee and Admissions Tutor, Faculty of Social Sciences
1985-90 Member, Planning Committee of the University Council for Shaw College
1986-99 Founding Trustee, Shaw College
1987-92 Founding Fellow, Shaw College
1988-90 Member, Working Party on Joint University and Polytechnic Admissions Scheme
1989-92 Member, Management Board, Chinese University Press
1990-92  Director, Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific Economies Research Program, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies
1990-92 Member, Management Board, Asia-Pacific Institute of Business

V.2. University of Hong Kong

1992-94 Chairman, Committee to Review Teaching Staff for Substantiation, School of Economics and Finance 
1993-95 Chairman, Committee for the Recruitment of Teachers, School of Economics and Finance 
1994-96  Member, Careers Advisory Board of the University Senate
1994-95 Member, Working Party of the University Council on the Future Governance of Management and Business Studies in the University
1994-10 Member, University Senate
1995-03 Member, University Research Committee; and Deputy Chairman since 1998
1995-98 Member, Estates Committee
1997-98 Member, Disciplinary Committee
1998- Member, Panel of Area of Excellence
1998-99 Member, Panel of Internal Research Assessment
1999-00 Member, Committee on Research and Conference Grants
1999-06 Member, Academic Advisory Board, Asian Institute of International Financial Law, Faculty of Law
1999-00 Working Group on Organizational Transformation
1999-02  90th Anniversary Celebrations Organizing Committee
2000-02 Member, Ad hoc Panel for the Review of Central Publication
2001-07 Member, University Council
2001-02 Member, Search Committee for the Selection of the New Vice-Chancellor
2001-10 Member, Vice-Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on China Affairs
2003-04 Chairman, Governing Board, Institute for China and Global Development
2003-10 Member, Implementation Working Party for the Reform of the University’s Governance and Management Structures
2003-04 Chairman, Working Group on Outside Practice Rules
2004-10 Member, Academic Development Committee
2004-10 Member, Committees Review Committee
2004-10 Member, University Court
2004-10 Member, Vice-Chancellor’s Budget and Resources Committee
2004-10 Deputy Chairman, Committee for the Selection of Professional and Administrative Staff
2004-16 Member, Finance Committee
2004-10 Vice-Chairman, Committee on Curriculum Development
2004-10 Chairman, Committee on Student Affairs
2004-10 Deputy Chairman, Teaching Quality Committee
2004-10 Chairman, University Health Services Committee
2005-10 Chairman, Library Committee
2005-10 Deputy Chairman, University Selection and Promotion Committee
2005-10 Chairman, Language Policy Committee
2005- Member, Investments Sub-Committee
2005-10 Member, Nomination Committee
2005-10 Chairman, Working Group on 4-Year Curriculum
2006-10 Member, Steering Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum
2010-19 Chairman, Faculty Curriculum Development Committee
2010- Member, University Curriculum Development Committee
2010-12 Member, Shenzhen Projects Advisory Board
2010-12 Chairman, Shenzhen Initiative Planning Task Force
2011- Member, HKU-SZ Hospital Finance Committee
2012-13 Member, Search Committee for the Next Vice-Chancellor
2012- Member, Joint Committee for the Recruitment of Full Professors, Faculty of Business and Economics
2014-17 Coordinator in Economics, School of Economics and Finance
2015-16 Chairman, Search Committee for the Director of the Asian Global Institute
2016 Member, Search Committee for the Next Dean of Business and Economics
2017 Member, Search Committee for the Next President of The University of Hong Kong
2018-19 Member, Faculty Research Committee
2018- Chairman, International Advisory Council, Faculty of Business and Economics
2018- Chairman, China Initiative Task Force
2019- Member, University Court
2019- Member, University Senate
2019- Member, Budget and Resources Committee
2019- Vice-Chairman, Academic Board
2019- Chairman, Advisory Group on Academic Reviews
2019- Chairman, Human Resources, Promotion and Tenure Committee for the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences
2019- Chairman, Human Resources, Promotion and Tenure Committee for Dr. Li Dak-Sum Research Centre
2019- Vice Chairman, University Development Fund Sub-Group
2019- Chairman, University Selection and Promotion Committee
2019- Chairman, President’s Steering Group on Undergrate Admissions
2020- Member, Board of Management, University of Hong Kong-Zhejiang Institute of Research and Innovation (HKU-ZIRI)
2020- Member, Accommodation Committee

V.3. Development of Business Studies at the University of Hong Kong

1994-95 : Participated as a member of the Working Party of the University Council on the Future Governance of Management and Business Studies in the University that recommended the creation of the School of Business.
1997-02 : Served as Director of the School of Business.  During the period undergraduate student enrolment increased by 50 percent and postgraduate student enrolment increased by 150 percent; new programs launched, included, double degree programs BBA(Law)-LLB and BBA(IS)-B Eng(SE), MFinance program, and MBA program in Shanghai; started to recruit MBA students from Mainland China; formation of 5 research centres (2 centres were shortlisted by UGC in AoE competitive grant with 1 successful bid, 1 centre was recipient of UGC Teaching Development Grant for $10 million); the Poon Kam Kai Institute of Management achieve a complete financial turnaround; the School’s MBA program was rated 6th in Asia by Asia Inc and 4th in Asia in part-time MBA category by Asia Week.
2001-17 : Served as Acting Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics in the founding period and was appointed Dean during 2002-04. Negotiated successfully a joint EMBA Programm with Columbia University and London Business School.

VI. Professional Activities And Public Service

VI.1 Local

VI.1.1 Memberships

1988- Member and Vice-Chairman (1990-91), Hong Kong Institute of Economic Science
2008 Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Economic Association

VI.1.2 Editorship and Journal Reviewer

1983-85 Member, Editorial Board, Chinese University Education Journal
1990-92 Member, Executive Editorial Board, 21st Century, Institute of Chinese Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong
1996-97 External Examiner, Department of Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong
1997-04 Member, Editorial Board, The Servicing Economy, Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries, The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

  Reviewer:   Hong Kong Economic Papers

VI.1.3 Other Public Service

1977-92 Member and Advisor (1991-92), University of Chicago Club of Hong Kong
1985-88  Member, School Examinations Board and School Examinations Executive Committee, Hong Kong Examinations Authority
1988-89 Member, Working Party on Sixth Form Education, Hong Kong Government
1991-92 Part-Time Member, Central Policy Unit, Hong Kong Government
1991-94 Member, Dental Council of Hong Kong
1992-93  Member, Working Group on Institutional Arrangements for the Lantau Port Peninsula, Port Development Board
1992- 01 Member, Economic Advisory Committee, Hong Kong Government
1992-00 Member, Hong Kong Committee, Pacific Economic Cooperation 
1993-95  Member, Regional Advisory Committee (Kowloon), Hospital Authority
1993-96 Member, Industry and Technology Development Council
1993-06 Member, University Grants Committee; Chairman (1995-), Resource Planning Sub-Committee; and Member (1995-), Funding Methodoology Working Group
1993-10 Director, Hong Kong Foundation Ltd.
1995- Member, Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong
1995-96 Advisor, Harvard Club of Hong Kong
1995-96 Member, Ad Hoc Consultative Group on Services Promotion, Hong Kong Government
1996-99 Advisor, Institute for High Intelligence Education, Hong Kong
1996-04 Member, Finance Committee, Housing Authority, Hong Kong
1997- 04 Honorary Coordinator, Hong Kong Documentary Archives, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
1997-99  Member, Program Review and Validation Committee, The Open University of Hong Kong
1997-99 Member, Steering Committee on the Consultancy Study of Financing of the Hong Kong Healthcare Systems, Government of the HKSAR
1997-04 Member, Executive Committee, Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries, The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
1997-99 Member, Advisory Board, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lingnan University
1997-99 Member, International Advisory Board, Hong Kong Free Market Index, Hong Kong Policy Research Institute Limited, Hong Kong
1998-99 Member, The Chief Executive’s Commission on Innovation and Technology
1998-99 Member, Hong Kong Securities Institute Examinations Committee
1998-03 Member, Services Promotion Strategy Group, Government of the HKSAR
1998-04 Member, Housing Authority, Hong Kong
1998-2019 Director, Previously Hang Seng Management College, Hang Seng School of Commerce, now Hang Seng University
1999-06 Member, Exchange Fund Advisory Committee, Government of the HKSAR
1999- Director, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research
1999-12 Member of the Advisory Council, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research, Chairman from 2003
1999-08  Member, Hong Kong Forum
1999-08 Member, Advisory Board, Centre for Public Policy Studies, Lingnan University
1999-03 Member, Selection Committee for the Admission of Talents Scheme, Government of the HKSAR
2000-01 Member, Advisory Board, Hong Kong Globe
2001 Member, Program Committee, “Open Forum on Health Care Reform”, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, 7 March 2001
2001-03 Member, Hong Kong Hospital Authority
2002-04 Member, Council of Advisors on Innovation and Technology, HKSAR
2002-04 Honorary Adviser of the Young Members’ Committee of Wah Yan College Kowloon Past Students’ Association
2002 Member, Zhuhai Study Steering Committee for the Consultancy Report on The Cooperative Development of an Express Cargo Center at Zhuhai Airport, Zhuhai Airport Group Company and Airport Authority Hong Kong
2002-04 Member, Financial Secretary’s Investment Promotion Strategy Group, HKSAR
2002-04 Member, Task Force on Employment, HKSAR
2003-05 Member, Advisory Council, The 2022 Foundation Limited
2003-05 Member, Land and Building Advisory Committee, HKSAR
2003- Director, China Overseas Friendship Association of Hong Kong, (港區中華海外聯誼會理事)
2004 Member of Judging Panel for the 4th HSBC Young IT Entrepreneur Awards, March 2004, Hong Kong
2004-05 Member, Professional Services Advisory Group, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
2004-05 Member, Economic and Employment Council, Government of the HKSAR
2005 Member of Judging Panel for the Outstanding Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Award, Hong Kong
2005-07 Honorary Adviser, The College of Nursing Management, Hong Kong
2005- Education Consultant, The Lutheran Church – Hong Kong Synod
2005-07 Member, Hong Kong SAR Government’s Commission on Strategic Development – Committee on Economic Development and Economic Cooperation with the Mainland
2006- Chairman of Judging Panel of the DHL/SCMP Hong Kong Business Awards, Hong Kong
2006- Adviser, Bauhinia Foundation Research Centre, Hong Kong
2007- Judge for the 35th Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) Selection, Hong Kong
2007- Chairman, Panel of Judges for the Estate Agents Authority’s (EAA) Writing and Chinese Calligraphy Competitions for the Estates Agency Trade, Hong Kong
2007 Independent Adviser on New Cargo Terminal Development at HKIA
2008 Member of Judging Panel of the Industrialist of the Year Award (IOY) and Young Industrialist Awards of Hong Kong (YIAH) 2008, Hong Kong
2008- Director, The Messengers of Life, (生命使者)
2008- Counselor, China-United States Exchange Foundation
2009 Adviser, 《新中國六十年大型畫冊》, Chinese Cultural Exchange Association Ltd., Hong Kong
2009- Member, Friends of Hong Kong Association Ltd., (香港友好協進會)
2009- Adviser, Hong Kong Ideas Centre
2009- Member, Advisory Committee, Ma Wan Park Limited
2009-15 Member, Steering Committee for Research Themes under the Research Endowment Fund, Government of the HKSAR
2013-14 Member, Task Force on Social Security and Retirement Security, Commission on Poverty, Government of the HKSAR
2013- Honorary Premier, The Hong Kong SME Association
2013- Member, Vice-Chairman (2020-), Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies, (全國港澳研究會)
2013- Trustee, S. K. Yee Medical Foundation
2015- Adviser and Member of Research Council, Our Hong Kong Foundation
2015-16 Member, Board of Directors and Steering Committee, The Mills
2015-16 Member, Board of Directors, The MILL6
2015-17 Member, Advisory Committee and Steering Committee, Education 2.1: Education for All, All for Education
2015-19 Member, Board of Governors and Board of Directors, Path of Democracy
2015- Academic Adviser, Hong Kong Cultural Association Research Institute, (香港文化協進會智庫,學術顧問)
2016- Academic Adviser, Chinese Banking Association of Hong Kong  (香港中資銀行業協會,學術顧問)
2017-19 Principal, Hong Kong Academy of Politics and Public Administration, Path of Democracy, (民主思路,香港政治及行政學苑,院長)
2017-18 Member, Task Force on Review of Research Policy and Funding, University Grants Council, Government of the HKSAR
2017- Member, Steering Committee on Research Themes and Topics, Research Grants Council, Government of the HKSAR
2019-20 Member, Hospital Governing Committee (Queen Mary Hospital/ Tsan Yuk Hospital)
2019-20 Member, Board of Governors, Prince Philip Dental Hospital
2019- Member and Convenor on Leadership Taskforce, Civil Service Training Advisory Board, Government of the HKSAR
2021 Convenor, Civil Service Training Working Group on Leadership, Government of the HKSAR

VI.2 International

VI.2.1 Memberships

1991-97 Secretary General, East Asian Economic Association
1998- Member, Director, 1998-2000, 2010-16; Vice-President, 2002-04; Mont Pelerin Society
1994-10 Member, International Advisory Board, China Center for Economic Research, Beijing University
1994-98 Member, Standing Committee, China Institute of Macroeconomics, State Planning Commission, PRC, Beijing, China
1995-97 Member, International Advisory Board, Foundation for the Economy and Education in China, Michigan State University
1999- Member, Advisory Council, Asian Studies Center, The Heritage Foundation, U.S.A.
2002-14 Member, Board of Advisors, Asia Institute for Political Economy (AIPE), The Fund for American Studies, U.S.A.
2000-02 Member, Board of Directors, Western Economic Association, U.S.A.
2001 Member, Advisory Board, Asian Economic Panel, MIT.
2001-04 Member, Board of Directors, Asian Real Estate Society, Keio University, Japan
2011- Member and Chairman (2015-19), Council, Becker-Friedman Institute, University of Chicago, U.S.A
2012- Founding Member, International Advisory Board, Fudan University School of Management, Shanghai, China (創始成員,上海復旦大學管理學院國際顧問委員會)
2017- Member, Editorial Board, 《當代港澳研究》,Center for Studies of Hong Kong, Macau and Pearl River Delta, Sun Yat-sen University.

VI.2.2 Editor, Examiner and Reviewer

1987-97 Member, Executive Editorial Board, Comparative and Development Economics Series, China Economic Press, Beijing, China
1987-97 Assistant Editor (1987-90) and Associate Editor (1991-97), Asian Economic Journal
1993-95 Member, Editorial Board (1995-) and Co-Editor (1993-95), Journal of Economic Methodology
1995-04 Member, International Board of Editors, Pacific Economic Review
2003-12  Member, Editorial Advisory Council, Pacific Economic Review

V.3 Other Professional Service

1988- Invited by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to nominate candidates for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel in 1988-92, 1996-98, 2015-
1989  Consultant, World Bank, Washington DC, USA.  Invited to help develop a Research agenda on private sector initiatives in development for the World Bank
1990 Consultant, Instituto Libertad y Democracia, Lima, Peru, Invited to help develop Policy reforms to deregulate the economy and fight corruption in Peru
1992 Invited by the Ramon Magsaysay Foundation to nominate candidates for the Ramon Magsaysay Awards
1993 Co-Chairman, Program Committee, “The Awakening Giant and Pacific Rim Trade”, Western Economic Association International Pacific Rim Conference, 8-12 January 1994, Hong Kong, China
1996 Co-Chairman, Program Committee, “Economies in Transition”, Western Economic Association International Pacific Rim Conference, 10-15 January 1996, Hong Kong, China
1996 Member, Program Committee, “Ideas and Change in the Modern World”, Mont Pelerin Society, General Meeting, 1-5 September 1996, Vienna, Austria
1997 Member, Program Committee and Chairman, Fund Raising Committee, Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society, 24-26 July, Hong Kong, China
1998 Member, Program Committee, “”Free Markets and Free People – The Barriers Remaining””, Mont Pelerin Society, General Meeting, 30 August- 1 September 1998, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
1999 Member, Program Committee, “Liberty, Culture and Institutions: Paths to Economic Progress in Asia”, Mont Pelerin Society Special Regional Meeting – South East Asia 1999, July 8-11, Bali, Indonesia
1999 Member, Program Committee, The Mont Pelerin Society Regional Meeting 1999, August 29-September 1, 1999, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
2002 Member of Program Committee, “WTO, China and The Asian Economies”, conference co-organized by School of Economics & Finance and Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy of The University of Hong Kong, Research Centre for International Economics of the University of Washington, Asian Development Bank, 9 November 2002, Hong Kong, China
2004 Member, China Economics Award, Committee of 100 Macro China Economists, PRC
2006 Member of the Judging Panel for Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of the Year Awards, China
2007-11 Member, Selection Board of 2011 Prince Philip Scholarships, The Friends of Cambridge University in Hong Kong, China
2014- Chairman of Organising Committee and member of Program Committee, The 2014 Mont Pelerin Society General Meeting, Hong Kong “Emerging Asia and the Future of Liberty”, 31 August – 5 September 2014, Hong Kong, China
2017- Member, Program Committee, The 2017 Mont Pelerin Society Regional Meeting, 7-10 May 2017, Seoul, Korea

VII. Fields Of Research Interest

1. Economics of Human Resources
2. Economics of Housing and Land
3. Economic Policy and Reform

VII.1. Research in Progress

1. “Economics of Inequality and Intergenerational Mobility in Hong Kong.”
2. “Effects of Interventions in Hong Kong Housing Markets.”
3. “The Rise of Nativism in Contemporary Hong Kong.”

VII.2. Economic Policy Research

1.  Founding Director (1987-), Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research.  Raised funds from various sources, including, Smith Richardson Foundation, Earhart Foundation, Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation, and numerous private corporations in Hong Kong to support economic policy research.  The Centre has completed and published over 30 research projects and 3 other research projects are currently under management.  The Centre also publishes the bi-monthly HKCER Letters.
2. Founding Director (1997-), Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Study Centre.  Raised funds from various sources, including, Better Hong Kong Foundation, Friends of Beida, and numerous private corporations in Hong Kong to support policy research relevant to the Asia Pacific Region.  The Centre has collaborated with the China Centre for Economic Research, Beijing University to study the Asian Financial Crisis.  The centre has developed a high frequency macroeconomic forecasting model of Hong Kong in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania and is currently extending the model to the Chinese mainland.
3. Founding Director (1999-), Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy, which has been a recipient of grants from the UGC under the Area of Excellence Scheme. Raised funds from various sources, including, Our Hong Kong Foundation, Trade Department, and numerous private corporations in Hong Kong. Currently runs four major research programs on (1) Asia Pacific competitiveness, (2) Quantitative economic history, (3) Macroeconomic growth and stability, and (4) Human resources. Previous programs now closed include, (1) Hong Kong as an international financial centre, and (2) China and global development.

VII.3. Competitive Research Grants (only external awards are listed)

1.  “Economic Reform, Income Growth and Fertility Effects in China”.  Co-Investigator in collaboration with PCK Kwong, Griffiths University.  Research Project on Population and Economic Development in China.  Funded by the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada, C$199,000, 1986-91.
2. “Expansion of Schooling Opportunities, Cohort Effects, and Earnings in Hong Kong”.  Principal Investigator in collaboration with KF Wong, University of Wisconsin, Madison.  Research Project on State, Education and Development in the New Industrialized Economies.  Funded by the University of California Pacific Rim Committee, US$69,000, 1989-92.
3. “A Decade of Massive Immigration in Hong Kong: Economic Consequences, Assimilation and Policies”, Co-Investigator in collaboration with researchers KC Lam, Hong Kong Baptist University and PW Liu, Chinese University of Hong Kong.  Funded by the Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, HK$229,000, 1990-93.
4.  “Inflation in Hong Kong: Patterns, Causes, and Consequences”, Co-Investigator in collaboration with researchers PW Liu, Chinese University of Hong Kong and AKF Siu, University of Hong Kong.  Funded by the Research   Grants Council, Hong Kong, HK$ 292,000, 1992-95.
5.  “Comparative Study of Economic Development and Reforms in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta”, Co-Investigator in collaboration with researchers YF Luk, University of Hong Kong, YW Sung and PW Liu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and PK Lau, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Funded by Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, HK$398,000, 1995-97.
6. “Money and Banking in China’s Transitional Economy: Institutions, Patterns, Mechanisms and Impact””, Principal-Investigator in collaboration with researchers YF Luk and G Xiao, University of Hong Kong.  Funded by Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, HK$413,000, 1995-97.
7.  “Greater China and the Asia-Pacific: The Overseas Chinese Connection”, Co-Investigator in collaboration with KC Fung, C Wong, and M Chinn, University of California, Santa Cruz. Funded by the University of California Pacific Rim Committee, US$80,000, 1995-97.
8. “Sustainable Electrification in the Developing World”, Co-Investigator in collaboration with Felix Wu and C.C. Chan, The University of Hong Kong.  Funded by the Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, HK$501,280, 1997-1999.
9. “Equity and Efficiency in the Distribution of Public Housing Resources in Hong Kong”, Principal-Investigator in collaboration with researchers William Chan and AKF Siu, The University of Hong Kong.  Funded by Research Grants Council, HK$455,000, 1998-2000.
10. “An Economic Study on Hong Kong’s Manufacturing-related Producer Services Industry”, Principal Investigator in collaboration with researchers Tao Zhigang and Chan Chi-Sing, The University of Hong Kong.  Funded by Industrial Support Fund, HK$1,203,000, 1998-2000.
11.  “High Frequency Macroeconomic Forecasting System for Hong Kong”, Co-Investigator in collaboration with Professor Lawrence Klein, University of Pennsylvania and AKF Siu and Chan Chi-Sing, The University of Hong Kong.  Funded by the APEC Study Centre and the Better Hong Kong Foundation, HK$3,400,000, 1998-2001.
12. “Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy”, Principal Investigator in collaboration with M. Enright, E. Chang, A. Siu, W.C. Suen, et al.  Funded by the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong under the Area of Excellence Scheme, HK$36,200,000, 1999-2004.
13. “Made in PRD – The Changing Face of HK Manufacturers”, Principal Investigator with A. Siu, M.Y. Wong and G. Choi, commissioned by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Funded by the Innovation and Technology Fund and sponsored by 31 manufacturing companies, HK$4,340,000, 2002-2003.
14. “Manufacturing in the Pearl River Delta”, Principal Investigator with A. Siu, and G. Choi, commissioned by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, HK$1,500,000, 2005-2006.
15. “The Impact of Housing Status on Labor Market Outcomes”, Co-Investigator with Dr. W. Chan, The University of Hong Kong. Funded by the Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, HK$325,057, 2014-16.

VIII. Publications

Please click here to view the Publications in a separate page.

IX. Invited Lectures, Seminars And Conferences

Please click here to view the Invited Lectures, Seminars and Conferences in a separate page.